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Title: Enforcement Directions Regarding Subsidies from the Central Government to the Municipalities, County (City) Governments to Provide Health Examinations to Elementary and Junior High School Students Ch
Date: 2012.12.07
Legislative: 1.The original regulations with their 13 provisions were proclaimed through
the decree (Taiti (3) no. 0980054455C),issued by Ministry of Education and
took effect on May 7, 2009.
2.The regulations were then amended and proclaimed through the decree (
Taiti (2) no. 0990226900C),issued by Ministry of Education on January 7,
2011 and took effect on December 25, 2010. (The original name was
“Regulations Governing Central Government's Subsidy for Expenditure of
County (City) Governments of Taiwan Province on Elementary and Junior High
School Students Health Examination.”)
3.December 7, 2012, The amendment is in accordance with Tai-Ti (2) No.
1010229680B and to take effect on January 1, 2013.


I. The Directions are specially adopted by the K-12 Education Adminstration, Ministry of Education (hereafter referred to as the K-12 EA, MOE) in order to encourage municipal and county (city) governments to effectively utilize the central government's subsidy to elementary and junior high school student health examinations, to improve the quality of health examinations, and to strengthen the effectiveness of execution and the assessment of related budget making and implementation process.
II. Municipal and county (city) governments shall submit their expenditure requirement forms for the incoming fiscal year based on the number of first grade students at junior high schools, and first and fourth graders at elementary schools, and multiply the total number of students by NT$350 to come up with the total budget and submit it to the Ministry for audit before January 10th each year.
National junior high schools and national elementary schools shall be included in the budget of their respective local municipal or county (city) government.
III. The Ministry subsidizes student health examinations expenditures in municipal and county (city) governments subject to the central government's financial resources constraint. Accordingly, municipal and county (city) governments shall plan their budget based on their actual needs.
IV. Municipal and county (city) governments shall spend these subsidies for student health examinations exclusively for these designated purposes:For student health examinations, referral reexaminations, necessary corrective treatments and follow-up checks, as well as related administrative expenses.
V. Municipal and county (city) governments shall complete their annual Student Health Examination Work Plan by May 31st and submit it to the K-12 EA, MOE for future references.
The work plan shall include the following items:
a. Examination items and content;
b. Allocation and use of the expenditure;
c. Bidding method (shall be awarded on fixed value);
d. Tender evaluation and selection process;
e. Quality control and audit methods;
f. Penalties or remedies for the defaulted contractor; and
g. Other supplementary matters.
The examination items shall be conducted in compliance with the Student Health Examination Standards Table. Municipal and county (city) governments may add other examination items as needed.
VI. Municipal and county (city) governments shall draw up a Student Health Examination job description as the contract attachment and performance target.
The job description shall stipulate provisions as follows:
a. Information regarding the working staff, their qualifications, the examination procedure, and examination methods in accordance with the “Student Health Examination Manual” by the Ministry of Education.
b. Contractors shall provide within the specified contract period an analytical report regarding health examination data of the targeted school or the entire municipality or county (city), including hard copies and soft copies that may be uploaded to the health information management system.
c. The protection of student right and their damages claim.
VII. Municipal and county (city) governments shall complete the annual tendering procedure for student health examinations by August 31st, and confirm the execution and completion of the contract by next January 31st.
VIII. Municipal and county (city) governments shall ask directors of student affairs or section chiefs of hygiene of the schools where students are to be examined, as assistant inspection personnel, whom can be aided by students’ parents or volunteers, to inspect the identification, qualification of the health examination group and examination process, to ensure that contractors carry out their examination work in compliance with the procurement contract provisions, and to oversee the quality of student health examinations.
IX. Municipal and county (city) governments shall dispatch inspectors to schools on irregular basis to monitor the execution and progress of the procurement contract of student health examinations.
X. Municipal and county (city) governments shall upload the results of the Student Health Examination to the health information system of the K-12 EA, MOE within one month after check-up and acceptance.
XI. The Ministry may set up an external audit team and dispatch members of the team to municipal and county (city) governments to conduct field observations.
XII. The K-12 EA, MOE may base its assessments of local governments on the results accomplished by the municipal and county (city) governments.
XIII. Municipal and county (city) governments may draw up relevant supplementary regulations for matters not covered by the regulations of the Directions according to their actual needs.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System