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Title: Ministry of Education’s Regulations Governing the Establishment of the National Professorship Ch
Date: 2020.12.03
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on May 28, 1997
2.Amended on July 07, 2000
3.Amended on May 28, 2002
4.Amended on March 15, 2004
5.Amended on October 03, 2006
6.Amendment to all Article promulgated on January 8,2008.
7.Amended on 2013.03.18
8.Amendment to all Article promulgated on March 23,2017.
9.Amended on 2020.12.03
Content: Article 1   In order to provide incentives for academic development,

            enhance teaching and research standards, and encourage

            universities to develop their own individual strengths,

            the Ministry of Education (hereunder “the Ministry”)

            establishes National Chair Professorships, in accordance

            with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the

            University Act, and has formulated these Regulations.


Article 2  Each National Chair Professorship shall be awarded to a full-time

           university professor who is aged seventy years or less on the date

           set as the deadline for universities to submit recommendations, and

           who when recommended or selected, is still actively engaged in ongoing

           academic research and teaching; held in high esteem; playing a leading

           role in shaping the direction of academic thought; and an exemplary

           role model in the academic community. In addition, the person shall
           satisfy one of the following requirements:

         1.Be an academician of Academia Sinica;

         2.Have received a Ministry of Education Academic Award; or

         3.Have some outstanding achievement equivalent to being an Academia

           Sinica academician or to receiving a Ministry of Education Academic

           Award, in an academic or professional field in Taiwan or in another


Article 3   Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for a

            National Chair Professorship set out in the preceding

            article shall be recommended to the Ministry by universities

            after each candidate’s eligibility has first been officially

            reviewed by their university and approved by the Teacher

            Evaluation Committee. Each university may recommend up to

            three candidates in each field and the selection shall be

            made by the Ministry.

            The Ministry’s procedures to select National Chair Professors

            are as follows:

            1.A separate Review Board will be set up for each of five

              categories, based on different academic fields: the

              Humanities and Arts; Social Science; Mathematics and Natural

              Science; Biology and Medical and Agricultural Science; and

              Engineering and Applied Science. From nine to eleven

              prestigious scholars and experts shall be appointed to be

              members of each Review Board. The Standing Committee of the

              Ministry of Education Academic Review Committee (hereunder

              abbreviated to “the Academic Review Committee”) shall

              designate the convener of each Review Board.

            2.The Review Boards shall conduct the first review, after

              undertaking a detailed evaluation of the academic research

              and teaching performance of each of the candidates and fully

              discussing and analyzing each.

            3.Each Review Board shall forward all the material pertaining

              to each candidate who has passed the first review to three

              or four scholars or experts for further evaluation, after

              which it will conduct its second review. Each Review Board

              will then give their recommendations of candidates for a

              National Chair Professorship to the Standing Committee.

            4.The Standing Committee shall review and discuss the results

              of each evaluation of each of the recommended candidates

              referred to in the preceding subparagraph, and then draw

              up and submit a list of candidates for a National Chair

              Professorship to a meeting of the Academic Review Committee

              to discuss and deliberate over.

            5.The decisions shall be made with the agreement of two thirds

              of the members present, after discussion and deliberation at

              a meeting of the Academic Review Committee attended by at

              least half of its members. The National Chair Professors are

              selected based on the number of votes received by each of

              the candidates.

            6.If any National Chair Professorship remains vacant after the

              selection procedure, a further ballot may be cast if a

              majority of the members present at the meeting of the Academic

              Review Committee members attended by at least half of its

              members agree. If a second ballot still fails to result in

              anyone receiving the number of votes stipulated in the

              preceding subparagraph, that National Chair Professorship

              shall remain vacant.

            If a member of the Academic Review Committee is one of the

            current recommended candidates for a National Chair Professorship

            , that person shall withdraw from participating in all associated

            review and ballot-casting procedures.


Article 4   A maximum of thirteen National Chair Professorships shall be

            approved and awarded each year. The number available in each

            different disciplinary category is stipulated in Subparagraph

            1 of Paragraph 2 of the preceding article. There is an annual

            quota of two such professorships in the Humanities and Arts

            category, two such professorships in the Social Sciences category

            , and three such professorships in each of the other disciplinary



Article 5   The term of each National Chair Professorship is three years. If

            it is necessary for a National Chair Professorship to be extended

            beyond the end of this term, the procedures set out in the

            provisions of Article 3 shall be conducted before the term ends.

            Any person who has served two terms as a National Chair Professor

            shall become an honorary life-time National Chair Professor,

            without participating in any further recommendation or selection



Article 6   During the period when they are receiving the associated grant,

            National Chair Professors shall set up elective courses that

            students from other universities may enroll in; deliver lectures

            around the country; publicize research and teaching achievements,

            in order to enhance the quality and general climate of academic

            research and teaching in Taiwan; and each National Chair Professor

            shall submit a detailed summary to the Ministry of their findings

            or other achievements, lectures and presentations given, and

            substantial contributions made each year

            Their university shall assist each National Chair Professor to

            establish a designated area where details of their research

            and teaching achievements will be accessible, in order to enhance

            academic exchanges and put their achievements to practical use.


Article 7  In addition to the necessary resources that each university

           that recommended a particular National Chair Professorship

           will provide, the Ministry shall provide NTD two million annually,

           which shall be allocated each year as follows:

         1.A personal grant for each National Chair Professor: up to a maximum

           of NTD 1,500,000.

         2.Teaching and research funds: the amount remaining after the allocation

           of funds for the National Chair Professor’s personal grant, to use for

          employing assistants, operating expenses, and transportation.

          Any person selected to be a National Chair Professor is not permitted

          to concurrently receive any other grant from the public affairs budget

          of any other government agency (organization).

Article 8  If any of the following circumstances occur, a National Chair

           Professor’s personal grant shall be handled in accordance with

           the following provisions:

           1. If a National Chair Professor does not continue working in a

              position as a full-time professor at their original university,

              their grant shall be terminated, beginning from the next semester.

              The university where the person is newly taking up an appointment

              may, however, continue providing similar administrative resources,

              and a similar research environment, and offer National Chair

              Professorship related courses, and if so, the person may continue

              to receive the grant.

           2. If a National Chair Professor takes research leave, they shall

              report this to the Ministry which shall suspend their grant

              starting from the month immediately after the period of leave

              begins. Grant payments will resume when the period of research

              leave ends and will continue until the expiration of the term of

              the National Chair Professorship.

           3. If a National Chair Professor is temporarily transferred in

              accordance with relevant regulations, for a period of less than

              two years, their grant shall be suspended starting from the month

              immediately following the temporary transfer. The grant payments

              will resume when the temporary transfer ends and will continue

              until the expiration of the term of the National Chair Professorship.

Article 8-1 If a National Chair Professor was involved in a case of violation

            ofacademic ethics before their selection that would have adversely

            affected the decision to select them, or if any material presented

            during their selection procedure contained false or incorrect

            details, the Ministry shall revoke their eligibility to be a

            National Chair Professor and require the personal grant money

            referred to in Article 7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 to be repaid.

            If a National Chair Professor becomes involved in a case of

            violation of academic ethics after being appointed as a National

            Chair Professorship and the circumstances are serious, the Ministry

            shall deem that person ineligible to have been awarded a National

            C hair Professorship and shall cease paying the personal grant money

            that was paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 7,

            Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1.

            If the Ministry deems a person ineligible to hold a National Chair

            Professorship and revokes their eligibility during the period in

            which the associated grant is being paid, the Ministry shall cease

            its all ocation of the teaching and research funds referred in to

            Article 7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2. If any such funds have been

            released for a particular use but have not yet been spent, the

            operations for which the funds were to be spent use shall be

            discontinued and the unspent funds must be returned.

            The procedures for the deeming a person ineligible to be a National

            Chair Professor and for revocation of such eligibility referred to

            in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 are as follows:

            1. The Ministry shall organize an investigation team if a candidate

               is reported or found to be or have been involved in a case of the

               kind referred to in Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2.

            2. After the investigation team makes a professional judgement, it

               shall draw up and submit a written report of its investigation

               to a meeting of the Academic Review Committee for discussion and


            3. The meeting of the Academic Review Committee that discusses and

               considers the findings shall be attended by at least half of its

               members and a decision motion will be passed if two thirds of the

               members present agree

Article 9   These Regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System