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Title: Youth Development Administration of the Ministry of Education Subsidy Directions for Regional Youth Hubs Ch
Date: 2020.12.17
Legislative: 1.Ministry of Education Order Tai-Chiao-Ching-Shu-Fu-Tzu No. 1092114010B on promulgation of “Youth Development Administration of the Ministry of Education
Subsidy Directions for Regional Youth Hubs”, Dec 17, 2020; to take effect from the day of promulgation.
Content: I. Purpose: The Youth Development Administration of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as “the Administration”) aims to both create regional youth hubs that facilitate youth exchange and develop a support system for training talent versed in local revitalization in an effort to encourage young people to participate in local affairs and help revitalize local communities.
II. Eligible Recipients: Special municipal, county, and city governments
III. Application Requirements and Deadlines: Applications shall be submitted according to the timeline specified in the Administration’s Regulations Governing Subsidies for Local Governments to Create Regional Youth Hubs (hereinafter, “the Regulations”). Special municipal, county, and city governments shall submit relevant documents along with their applications to the Administration or designated unit(s).
IV. Selection Process: The Administration will appoint a panel of experts to review and evaluate applications in accordance with the Regulations.
V. After the result is announced, subsidized government entities shall revise their proposals in accordance with the Administration's advice and send back their revised proposals within one month for approval and subsequent execution.
VI. Procedures and Principles:
A. Applications shall meet and adhere to the core values of developing young talent, accumulating experience in placemaking, and facilitating local sustainable development.
B. Subsidies of up to NT$13.75 million will be provided for a maximum of two years in line with the Regulations. The budget shall be allocated in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Planning and Allocation of Ministry of Education Subsidies (Donations) and Funding for Programs. Funding for the second year will be approved based on the execution results of the previous year.
C. Subsidized percentages for the aforementioned projects are determined based on differing levels of financial resources as delineated in the Financial Capacity of Special Municipal, County, and City Governments Classification Table put forth by the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of the Executive Yuan:
1. The maximum subsidy for Tier 1 governments is 50%.
2. The maximum subsidy for Tier 2 governments is 75%.
3. The maximum subsidy for Tier 3 governments is 80%.
4. The maximum subsidy for Tier 4 governments is 85%.
5. The maximum subsidy for Tier 5 governments is 90%.

D. Scope of Subsidies:
Subsidies cover capital expenditure for space renovation and current expenditure for operation, personnel, training, and counselling. Subsides for capital expenditure shall not be used for real estate acquisition and hiring and shall not exceed 50% of the total amount. The annual maximum funding amount of each item shall be determined according to the Regulations.
VII. Fund Allocation and Settlement:
A. Subsidies will be allocated in installments. Eligible recipients shall, in line with the Regulations, send official documents and receipts along with other relevant materials to the Administration or designated unit(s) by the specified deadlines to apply for allocation of funds.
B. Proposal Revision: Revised proposals shall be sent to the Administration for approval prior to execution in compliance with the Regulations.
VIII. Recipients shall comply with the following stipulations set by the Administration:
A. Recipients shall renovate spaces under their management for young people to carry out exchange dedicated to placemaking.
B. Recipients shall run the space and provide training and counseling services to assist young people interested in local community development in the following areas: networking, cooperation, learning, professional counseling, and matchmaking with both private and public organizations, so as to create a support system for young people involved in different stages of local revitalization.
C. In order to effectively operate regional youth hubs, recipients shall promote the usage of the space, present results, and engage in policy campaigns as requested by the Administration.
D. To assist the Administration in keeping track of projects, recipients shall report on a regular basis the execution and progress of projects and send staff members to check on the progress and quality.
E. Recipients shall produce and install identification marks specified by the Administration in subsidized spaces after renovation.
F. Recipients shall assist the Administration in promoting counseling and exchange related to youth development.
IX. Revocation:
In the following circumstances, the Administration reserves the right to revoke approved subsidies and recover allocated subsidies.
A. When recipients fail to submit revised proposals by the stipulated deadline.
B. The actual implementation of the project is significantly delayed, and no extension has been applied for, and recipients are unable to provide explanations of causes beyond their control.
C. The project is not effectively implemented or is not in compliance with the original approved proposal, and the violations are significant.
D. Subsidies are used for items inconsistent with or outside the approved plan or when recipients misrepresent figures by giving inflated or false figures.
E. When recipients evade, obstruct, or refuse inspection without proper reasons and fail to make improvements within the stipulated time limit after being notified by the Administration.
F. When recipients fail to implement proposals in accordance with regulations, resulting in serious violations.
X. Termination:
In the following circumstances, the Administration reserves the right to terminate the project and suspend funding. Subsidies allocated but not used shall be returned in full.
A. When recipients fail to comply with terms in the Regulations regarding funding approval and proposal revision and fail to make improvements within the stipulated time limit.
B. When recipients obstruct or refuse inspections carried out by the Administration and show no improvement within the stipulated time limit.
C. After being notified, recipients still fail to make the necessary improvements within the stipulated time limit.
D. When recipients voluntarily request to terminate the project.
XI. Other Terms:
A. Once a project has been approved, no additional costs associated with the project will be subsidized.
B. Subsidies are earmarked and shall not be used for other purposes. If there is a need to change the content of the project or if the project cannot be carried out as previously approved for any reason, a revised plan should be submitted to the Administration for approval before execution.
C. Subsidies approved in accordance with these guidelines shall be included in the annual budgets of the receiving special municipal, county, or city government, which shall also allocate matching funds as stipulated. Otherwise, matching funds shall be accounted for in the supplementary budget.
D. Any unused funds at the end of the project shall be returned to the Administration.
E. Special municipal, county, and city governments, when fulfilling terms and conditions specified in these regulations, shall follow the Regulations Governing Subsidies Provided by the Central Government to Local Governments, Government Procurement Act, Regulations Governing the Planning and Allocation of Ministry of Education Subsidies (Donations) and Funding for Programs, Administrative Procedure Act, and other applicable laws and regulations.
F. Matters not covered herein shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System