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Title: School Health Act Ch
Date: 2002.02.06
Legislative: 1.All 29 articles amended and promulgated by the (2002) Presidential
Order Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi-Zi No. 09100025070 on February 6, 2002 are
effective from the date of promulgation.

Article 1  


This Act is formulated to promote the health of students and faculty members, and to provide the foundation for national health and life quality improvement.

Details that are not addressed in this Act shall be governed by other relevant laws where applicable.

Article 2  


Competent authorities referred to by this Act: the Ministry of Education at the central government; the municipal governments at the municipal level; and the county (city) governments at the respective county (city) level.

The health, environmental protection, social affairs, and other related affairs established by this Act shall be handled by the competent authority in conjunction with the relevant authorities.

Article 3  


Competent authorities at all levels and schools at all levels (hereafter "the Schools") shall manage the health of the Schools in accordance with this Act.

Article 4  


Competent authorities at all levels shall designate dedicated units and appoint professionals to handle the health operations of the Schools.

Article 5  


Competent authorities at all levels shall retain scholars, experts, organizations, and the relevant agency representatives to form school healthy committees with missions as follows:

1. Provide advice on school health policies as well as matters on regulation promulgation and abolition.

2. Provide advice on school health plans, programs, measures, and evaluations.

3. Provide advice on the school health education and activity related plan and research and development matters.

4. Provide advice on the school health care services related plan and research and development matters.

5. Provide advice on the school environmental health management related   plan and research and development matters.

6. Coordinate relevant agencies and organizations to implement school health matters.

7. Provide consultation on the school health promotion related matters.

Article 6  


The schools shall designate units or dedicated personnel to plan, design, and promote school health related operations.

The schools shall have health centers established to serve as health examination and management, emergency injury handling, health counseling, and health education support facilities.

Article 7  


One nurse shall be designated for per school at the high school level or below with less than 40 classes; and at least two nurses shall be designated for such schools with more than 40 classes.

Schools at the junior college level or above shall refer to the preceding paragraph about designate nurses.

School medical personnel shall be legally qualified and registered.

Article 8  


The schools shall establish a student health management system and provide student health examinations on a regular basis. When necessary, provisional health examinations or disease-specific checkups for students and faculty members shall be implemented.

The subjects, items, methods, and other related matters relating to the implementation of the student health examination regulations as discussed in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the central competent authority in conjunction with the central competent health authority.

Article 9  


The schools shall include the health and disease examination results with   students' records, and such records shall follow students should they transfer to other schools.

The aforementioned student records shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed without cause. This section is not applicable when the medical record is required for teaching, counseling, or medical needs and parental consent of the student is acquired, or when the record must be provided pursuant to law.

Article 10  


The schools shall provide health guidance and corrective treatment for physical defects or treatment referrals based on students' health examination results.

Article 11  


The schools shall strengthen the prevention and corrective measures for common physical defects or diseases such as poor vision, cavities, parasitic diseases, hepatitis, curvature of the spine, sports injuries, obesity, and malnutrition.

Article 12  


The schools shall strengthen counseling and care for students with major illness such as heart disease, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, hemophilia, cancer, and mental illness. When necessary, school courses and activities shall be adjusted accordingly based on students' needs.

Article 13  


The Schools shall perform epidemic prevention and control measures in conjunction with the health and environmental protection authorities should their students or faculty members contract infectious disease. If necessary, students or faculty members shall be prohibited from attending school.

To curb the spread of communicable diseases, competent authorities at all levels shall order the suspension of classes.

Article 14  


The schools shall collaborate with health authorities to perform post-enrollment immunization for students.

First year elementary school students shall have their vaccinations completed before enrollment. For students who have not completed their   vaccinations before enrollment, the school shall notify the health authorities to complete the vaccinations.

Article 15  


The schools shall comply with the second prevision of this Article to provide appropriate treatment for students and faculty members who have suffered emergency injuries, establish the emergency injury treatment rules, and enhance the knowledge of first aid.

Competent authorities at all levels shall establish the processing procedures and provisions for other matters related to the precious emergency injury paragraph.

Article 16  


High schools or below shall establish health related courses, and junior  colleges or above shall establish health related courses if necessary.

Teaching materials and methods for health related courses shall be suitable for students' growth, development characteristics, and needs while considering their cognition, affinity, and skills.

Article 17  


Health-related course teachers shall participate in professional on-the-job trainings to improve teaching methods and the health-related teaching efficiency.

The competent authority or the school may recommend teachers to participate in health curriculum studies based on the actual needs.

Article 18  


The schools offering health-related courses shall update their health-related course related equipment. When necessary, specialized health-related classrooms shall be established.

Article 19  


The schools shall provide activities that strengthen health promotion and healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Article 20  


High schools or below shall combine human resources with students' families and the community to jointly perform community health education and environmental protection activities. Junior colleges and higher shall do the same.

Article 21  


Geology, soil and water conservation, transportation, air and water pollution, noise, and other environmental factors shall be considered    regarding the school site prior to the construction of a school.

Drinking water, restrooms, washbasins, garbage management, wastewater treatment, noise, ventilation, lighting, illumination, chalkboards, desks and chairs, fire protection, and disabled person accessible campus facilities shall comply with the standards provide by the relevant laws and regulations.

Article 22  


The schools shall strengthen health management for cafeterias, kitchens, as well as the student and faculty cooperative stores.

Competent authorities at all levels or Schools shall provide health training, education, and learning for personnel working in facilities discussed in the previous paragraph.

The management items discussed in the first paragraph as well as the inspection and regulations to perform other mandated matters shall be established by the central competent authority in conjunction with the central competent health authority.

Article 23  


Meals provided by schools shall be healthy, safe, and nutritionally balanced. Schools shall provide nutrition educations that are supervised and taught by dietitians.

Schools at the high school level or below with 40 classes or above shall have at least one dietitian. County and city competent authorities shall establish the number of dietitians.

The competent authority shall provide subsidized lunches for national junior high or elementary schools that are located in the mountainous, remote, or outlying island areas. The regulations of subsidization shall be determined by the competent authorities.

Article 24  


Schools at the high school level or below shall impose a complete smoking ban; and shall not sell tobacco, alcohol, betel nut, and other substances that are harmful to physical and mental health.

Article 25  


The schools shall establish plans to implement construction equipment safety and environmental health inspections each semester on a regular basis, maintain the teaching and sports equipment at all times, and perform a thorough overhaul of said equipment prior to the start of each semester.

Article 26  


Competent authorities at all levels and schools shall formulate the school health care funding annually, and the funding shall be specifically designated for health care.

Article 27  


Competent authorities at all levels shall conduct health evaluation for their respective schools and reward those with outstanding performances. Schools that performed poorly shall be ordered to improve within a certain period of time, and those that failed to improve or have severe shortcomings shall be disciplined by the competent authority.

Article 28  


The enforcement rules of this Act shall be established by the central competent authority.

Article 29  


This act shall be effective from the date of promulgation.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System