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Title: Organization Act of the National Central Library Ch
Date: 2012.02.03
Legislative: 1.All six articles were established and promulgated through
ROC Presidential Order Hua-Zong-(I)-Yi-Zi No.10100022811
dated February 03,2012, with the enforcement date to be
determined by Executive Yuan order.

Article 1

The Ministry of Education shall establish the National Central Library (hereinafter referred to as “NCL”) to administer the affairs of acquiring, processing, and preserving nationwide publication and information resources, expanding academic research, as well as studying, promoting and guiding the development of all types of libraries nationwide.

Article 2

The NCL shall be in charge of the following matters:

1. Planning, coordinating, supervising, and promoting the preservation policy and its operation for the nation’s rare and valuable materials.

2. Planning, coordinating, and promoting legal deposit and its operation for publication and information resources nationwide.

3. Planning, coordinating, and promoting international negotiation, arrangement, and management of international standard numbers for all types of materials.

4. Planning, coordinating, and promoting cataloging in publication, descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, authority control, and establishing national standard bibliography for publication and information resources.

5. Planning, coordinating, evaluating, and promoting the development, maintenance and value-added services for various databases of publication and information resources.

6. Planning, coordinating, and promoting international publications exchange, as well as cooperation and communication of academic research on Chinese studies.

7. Planning, coordinating, supervising, and promoting library knowledge services and interlibrary cooperation.

8. Planning, coordinating, supervising, and promoting digitization of library collections, information service policy and its operation.

9. Guiding all types of libraries nationwide, planning survey statistics, and enactment of various rules and standards.

10. Handling other affairs related to nationwide publication and information resources.

Article 3

The NCL shall have one Director-General having a senior grade 13, if necessary, the Director-General may be appointed in accordance with the qualification equivalent to or higher than that of the president of an independent college; one Deputy Director-General with senior grade 12, if necessary, may be appointed in accordance with the qualification equivalent to that of a professor.

Article 4

The NCL may establish branches in accordance to the needs of library operations.

Article 5

The ranks, grades and number of positions of NCL staff shall be governed by a separate organization chart.

Article 6

The date that this Act enters into effect shall be gazetted by the Executive Yuan.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System