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Title: Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Hong Kong and Macao Ch
Date: 2013.07.10
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on 29 June,1997.
2.Amendment to Article 2, 4 and 10 of this regulation on July 10 2013.

Article 1


These Regulations are adopted pursuant to Article 20 paragraph 1 of the Statute Governing Relations with Hong Kong and Macao ("the Statute").

Article 2


The term "examination" as used in these Regulations shall mean the examination of graduation certificates, degree diplomas, higher diplomas, and certificates of study from schools of all kinds and levels in Hong Kong or Macao. The term "recognition" as used in these Regulations shall mean the recognition of educational qualifications from Hong Kong or Macao as equivalent to those from schools of the same kinds and levels in the Taiwan area after the examination thereof.

Article 3


In examining the educational qualifications of students from pre-secondary schools, secondary schools, and MOE-recognized schools at the junior college level or higher in Hong Kong or Macao, the institution or school to which the student is seeking admission shall examine the qualifications itself and award recognition if said qualifications are determined genuine.

The list of recognized schools referred to in the previous paragraph shall be announced by the Ministry of Education.

Article 4


To examine educational qualifications from a Hong Kong or Macao school at the junior college level or higher, the following documents shall be required:

1. Proof of academic qualifications, verified and inspected either by a government agency in Hong Kong or Macao established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a private organization in Hong Kong or Macao authorized by the Executive Yuan. (Any documentation in a foreign language shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation).

2. Transcripts for all the years of coursework for the qualifications which the applicant seeks to have recognized. These shall be verified and inspected, either by a government agency in Hong Kong or Macao established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a private organization in Hong Kong or Macao authorized by the Executive Yuan. (Transcripts in any foreign language shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation.)

3. A photocopy of identification documents and a record of arrival and departure dates.

4. Other related documents

Article 5


When educational qualifications from a school in Hong Kong or Macao are examined, entrance requirements, term of study, and coursework must be deemed equivalent to those of schools of the same kind and level in the Taiwan area in order to be recognized as the equivalent of educational qualifications from schools of the same kind and level in the Taiwan area.

Article 6


Educational qualifications from a school in Hong Kong or Macao shall not be examined or recognized if any of the following applies:

1. the holder acquired such educational qualifications by taking courses via correspondence or distance learning;

2. the documentation provided consists of a proficiency certificate received for language training or vocational training;

3. the holder, having completed doctoral coursework and gained recognition as a doctoral candidate without having yet been conferred a doctoral degree, applies to have such educational qualifications recognized as the equivalent of a Master's degree;

4. the educational qualification is an honorary doctoral degree;

5. the coursework taken was not a component of formal education; or

6. the holder obtained his or her qualifications from a branch campus located outside Hong Kong or Macao.

Article 7


An institution or school undertaking the recognition of educational qualifications from Hong Kong or Macao may, when experiencing difficulties therein, send a written request to ask the competent educational authority to undertake the recognition thereof. The competent educational authority may hold a special screening test for the applicant for recognition if necessary. An applicant who passes the special screening test shall then be entitled to recognition of the educational qualification.

The term "competent educational authority" as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be the Ministry of Education at the level of junior college or higher, and shall be the local educational authority at the level of secondary school or lower.

Article 8


Educational qualifications from private schools established in Hong Kong or Macao and accredited in the Taiwan area shall be subject to regulations governing schools of the same kinds and levels in the Taiwan area.

Article 9


In addition to being governed by these Regulations, the examination and recognition of educational qualifications from schools at the secondary level or lower in Hong Kong or Macao may also be governed by supplementary regulations prescribed by the local educational authority.

Article 10


These Regulations shall enter into force from the day the Statute is enforced. However, where the proviso of article 62 of the Statute is applicable, these Regulations shall be effective from the day on which part or all of this Statute enters into force.

The amendment to this regulation shall take effect on the date of promulgation.


These Regulations are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.

NoteThis Law is enacted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System