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Title: Directions Governing Foreign Student Internships at Educational Institutions at all Levels and Educational Institutes in the Republic of China Ch
Date: 2014.02.06
Legislative: 1.Announced on 6 February, 2014

1.          The Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as “the MOE”) has promulgated these Directions to promote international cooperation and educational exchange, and to allow foreign students currently undertaking studies to undertake an Internship at an educational institution at any level or at an educational institute in the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Taiwan”). Such foreign students may file visa applications with Republic of China embassies, consulate offices, representative offices, and other agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Overseas Offices”).

2. The terms as used in these Directions are defined below:

 (1) Foreign student: a student of foreign nationality pursuing a formal degree at a foreign college or university included in the reference list issued by the MOE.

 (2) Educational institutions at all levels: Public and private educational institutions at any and all levels in Taiwan.

 (3) Educational institute: An institute under the jurisdiction of the MOE, and education and academic research institutes approved and established in accordance with the Regulations Governing Establishment of Academic Research Institute (學術研究機構設立辦法).   

 (4) Internships: Activities that do not involve a student providing any labor service and that are directly related to the student’s formal studies in an institute, faculty, or department of their foreign college or university and allow the foreign student to satisfy a requirement of the tertiary program they are enrolled in in their own country, or a graduation requirement.

3. Each foreign student’s proposed Internship at an educational institution at any level or at an educational institute shall be subject to substantive review by the respective educational institution or institute. If the evaluation is satisfactory, and if the proposed Internship is not in violation of public order or established custom, does not pose a threat to national security, public interest, the health of the general public, or give rise to concerns of any major occupational hazard occurring, the educational institution or institute may submit all related documents and information to the MOE at least one month before the time the proposed Internship would begin.

However, educational institutions at senior high school level or below that are under the jurisdiction of the municipal, county, or city competent authority shall first obtain approval from that competent authority, and then inform the K-12 Education Administration, MOE (hereinafter referred to as “the K-12EA”) in writing; educational institutions at senior high school level or below that are under the jurisdiction of the MOE shall inform the K-12EA in writing. Submissions made after the set deadline or that do not contain all the required material will not be accepted for consideration.

The required documents and information referred to in the preceding paragraph are:

(1) An official letter from the educational institution or the institute being applied to;

(2) For education institutes: photocopies of their registration certificate, and articles of organization, and all other documents required for the review;

(3) Basic personal details of the foreign student: these shall provide the Internship applicant’s name; gender; date of birth; nationality; passport number; the name of the foreign college or university, and the associated institute, faculty or department they are enrolled in; residential address in Taiwan; and residential address in their country of origin, or in another country that is not their country of origin.

(4) Internship plan, setting out in detail exactly what the intended Internship will consist of and how this is related to requirements of the program they are enrolled in or for their graduation; the place; beginning and end dates; the Internship supervisor; Internship expenses; and the amount of any scholarship/financial aid or living allowance received by the Internship applicant;

(5) A photocopy of the foreign student’s passport; and

(6) Proof of the foreign student’s valid student status, issued by their overseas university or college, and proof that their Internship plan is a requirement of the program they are enrolled in or their graduation.

4. After the MOE or the K-12EA has had details of each foreign student Internship case submitted by the educational institutions at all levels and education institutes referred to in the preceding Article, each foreign student planning to undertake an Internship may apply for a visa at an Overseas Office of Taiwan; the Overseas Office may issue the visa at its discretion.

5. A foreign student is permitted to undertake an Internship in Taiwan for a maximum period of up to 6 months. If an extension at the end of the initial Internship period is necessary, an extension may be applied for by submitting the necessary documents and information stipulated in Article 3, Paragraph 1. The maximum extension allowed is a period equivalent to half of the original period, and only one extension is permitted. The total Internship period, including any extension, may not exceed 6 months.

6. Foreign students undertaking an Internship in Taiwan may not change their Internship plan or transfer to a different educational institution at any level or different education institute for their Internship. They shall fully obey Taiwan’s laws and regulations during their Internship period and may not engage in any activity that deviates from their Internship plan or any work. Any violation found to have occurred and verified by the MOE shall be reported to the National Immigration Agency immediately, and copies of the report given to the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, and other agencies concerned.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System