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Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan Ch
Date: 2014.05.20
Regarding Article 10 of the Regulations 
Governing International Students Undert
aking Studies in Taiwan stipulations re
garding international students who have
 legitimate resident status or who are 
undertaking a program approved on a case
 by case basis by the Ministry of Educat
ion: if the degree programs are offered 
by collaborating domestic and foreign u
niversities and have been approved on a
 case by case basis by the Ministry of 
Education, and such universities have sp
ecific administrative mechanisms to veri
fy that such programs are in this catego
ry, then the restriction that stipulates
 that international students may not und
ertake any recurrent or continuing educa
tion bachelor’s degree program or in-se
rvice master’s degree program offered b
y any university or college in Taiwan, o
r any other program which is only taught 
in the evenings or during vacations does 
not apply.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System