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Title: Taiwan Academic Network Management and Norms Ch
Date: 2010.01.11
Legislative: Announcement of Decree No. 0980210235C on 11th January 2010, Ministry of Education
Content:  1.      These Norms are formulated by the Ministry of Education to encourage the sharing and exchanging of resources on Taiwan Academic Network (TANet), promote Internet security, strengthen information ethnics, safeguard legal rights and shall be used as the basis of reference for administrators and users of TANet.

2.      The TANet shall support activities related to teaching and academic research among schools, research institutes and organisations of all levels around the country. The objective of which shall be for educational administration application. The management organisations may be divided into the following three levels:

(1) Taiwan Academic Network Management Committee;

(2) Regional Network Centres and Municipality, County and City Educational Network Centres (thereafter referred to as County and City Educational Network Centres);

   (3) All organisations connected to the TANet (thereafter referred to as Connected Organisations).

The abovementioned network centres and connected organisations may set up managing committees, team or similar groups.

3.  The following organisations may apply to connect to the TANet:

(1) Ministry of Education and its affiliated institutions;

(2) Schools and academic research institutes founded in accordance with laws;

(3) Educational administrative institutes and its affiliated institutes;

(4) Digital opportunity centres set up under the guidance of the Ministry of Education;

(5) Other organisations that satisfy the set-up objective of the TANet and have been approved by the Taiwan Academic Management Committee.

The abovementioned Connected Organisations and their users shall abide the laws concerned and these provisions. The Connected Organisations shall be responsible for the management of their internal networks and the maintenance of the TANet.

4.  The TANet may, within the scope of its objective, connect with other network service providers to enhance the capability in information exchange, provided this is based on mutual collaborative needs and has been approved by the Taiwan Academic Network Management Committee. Neither of the connected party may use the broadband of the other party to engage in activities that violate the objective of connection.

5.  The Taiwan Academic Management Committee shall attend to the following network management items:       

(1) Formulating norms on the management of TANet;

(2) Formulating standard operation procedure to protect intellectual property rights on campus networks as well as information and communication security;

 (3) Formulating criteria for the appropriate division and control of network use;

6.  Regional Network Centres and County and City Educational Network Centres shall attend to the following network management items:

(1) Formulating norms on the management of application services provided by network centres;

   (2) Publicising norms and provisions concerning network use;

 (3) Assisting Connected Organisations in dealing with problems concerning network management.

7. Connected Organisations shall attend to the following network management items:

(1) Formulating network usage norms to regulate and ensure proper use of network resources by users;

(2) Formulating a standard operation procedure to protect intellectual property rights on campus network, and taking an active stance on protecting intellectual property rights;

(3) Formulating a standard operation procedure for information and communication security, and adopting appropriate measures to maintain network security;

(4) Establishing a mechanism processing inappropriate information on the network to maintain network order, while providing children and teenagers a safe network environment.

(5) Appropriate division, control and monitoring on network usage and flow, and reasonable exploitation of network resources;

(6) Formulating means of management concerning the provision of network application services;

(7) Publicising norms and means regarding network usage;

(8) All universities and colleges shall include network use in their respective management methods and rewards and punishments measures;

8. To ensure the secure and efficient operation of TANet, network users shall provide all necessary personal data to Connected Organisations.

  Connected Organisations shall collect and use the abovementioned personal data. In the event where co-operation with legal investigations is required, laws and norms concerning personal data protection shall be referred to.   

9. Connected Organisations and their users shall forbid from or may not engage in the following conduct that violates the objective of the TANet:

(1) Engaging in business activities to make profit using the TANet;

   (2) Storing information that affects the healthy development, both physically and psychologically, of children and teenagers. However, information needed for educational or research purposes, provided that appropriate mechanisms are in place to separate and protect it, may be exempted from this rule.

(3) Using other users’ accounts and passwords illegally, breaking the protecting measures or exploiting system weaknesses to hack into other computers or equipment; 

(4) Obtaining, deleting or altering the electronic record of other computers or equipment illegally;

(5) Interfering with other computers or equipment using computer programmes or other electronic means;

(6) Exploiting network resources to send spams or similar information or any other behaviour that may affect the functioning of TANet system;

(7) Using e-mails, online chats, electronic bulletins or other similar features to disseminate rumours, defraud, slander, insult, defile, harass, threat or any other information that is against normal social customs;

   (8) Other behaviour that violates the set-up objective of TANet;

Should unlawfulness be involved in any of the abovementioned behaviour, the user(s) concerned shall be held responsible according to relevant laws and norms.

10. Connected Organisations shall make sure their users respect intellectual property rights and may not engage in any of the following behaviour that infringes network intellectual property rights:

   (1) Using unauthorised computer programmes; 

   (2) Downloading or duplicating copyright-protected work;

   (3) Publishing protected work online without author consent;

   (4) Re-posting any articles from the electronic bulletins or any online forums;

   (5) Other behaviour that may infringe or involve in the dispute of intellectual property rights.

11. Managing organisations at all levels may restrict or temporarily terminate Connected Organisations or users from connecting to the TANet should any of the following occurs:

   (1) Violation of laws concerned or these Norms;

   (2) National security is affect;

   (3) In co-operation with investigation(s) conducted by justice organisations;

   (4) To prevent the continuance or dissemination of inappropriate or illegal behaviour;

   (5) To update and/or relocate network equipment; to test, maintain or check network or system;

   (6) It is necessary to terminate connection to resolve the unknown issue(s).

12. Users of TANet who violate these norms shall to be referred to their respective organisations.

        Administrators of TANet who exploit their positions to violate these Norms shall be penalised according to norms concerned.

Should the abovementioned behaviour of infringement involves illegal activities, in addition to administrative sanction, the parties involved shall also be held legally responsible.

13.  Users of the TANet shall be rewarded accordingly should any of the following circumstances is proven true and achieved efficiency:

   (1) Maintaining the normal operation of TANet;

   (2) Innovating the management technology of TANet;

(3) Providing new network application services;

   (4) Promoting programmes related to TANet;

(5) Other things that promote the development of TANet;

14. The formulation and revision of these Norms shall be approved by the Taiwan Academic. Network Management Committee

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System