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Title: Directions Governing Universities Accredited by the Ministry of  Education Engaging Foreigners to Give Lectures and Conduct Research Ch
Date: 2023.04.13
Legislative: 1.Seven articles promulgated by Ministry of Education order Tai.GaoZi No. 0970241007C on December 8, 2008.
2.Renamed (originally named: MOE Assessment Direction for Universities Recruiting Distinguished International Scholars for short-term Research Projects and Lectures) and amendment to articles 2, 5,

7 by Ministry of Education Order Tai.Jiao.Gao(5)Zi No. 1122200654A on April 13, 2023.
Content: 1.These Directions have been formulated by the Ministry of Education
  (hereunder referred to as "the Ministry") to implement the provisions
  of Article 48, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3 of the Employment Service
  Act (hereunder referred to as "the Act").

2.If a foreigner being engaged by a university to give lectures or 
  undertake academic research meets one of the criteria listed below,the
  university that will employ that person may apply to the Ministry for
  approval a month before the appointment period begins, by submitting 
  an application form and relevant supporting documents (as attachments):
(1)Being a Nobel Prize winner or a recipient of an equivalent award
(2)Being a member of a national-level academy in a science or engineering
(3)Being a fellow of a major international academic association
(4)Having one or more other outstanding achievements, equivalent to any
   of the three listed above, in an academic or professional field

3.When the Ministry accepts an application, if any additional document 
  or explanation is required, the university shall submit the requested 
  document or explanation within ten days from the notification date. 
  If the university fails to do so within the specified period, the 
  application will not be further handled.

4.After the Ministry accepts an application, it will follow the
  administrative approval procedure. When necessary, the Ministry may
  set up a review panel to consider the application.

5.The Ministry shall send the university that lodged the application a 
  written notification of the approval decision and send a copy of the 
  notification to the Ministry of Labor, the National Immigration Agency 
  of the Ministry of the Interior, and the labor affairs unit of the 
  special municipality or county (city) government where the university 
  is located.

6.If the Ministry does not approve the appointment or if the conditions 
  for the foreigner’s appointment cease to exist during the appointment
  period that was approved by the Ministry, the university shall apply to
  the competent central authority for a work permit for that foreigner, 
  in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Service Act and 
  related regulations.

7.If it is necessary for the university to reappoint a foreigner when 
  the period of their appointment ends, the university shall submit an 
  application to do so one month before the end of the current appointment 
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System