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Title: Organization Act of National Education Radio Station Ch
Date: 2012.02.03
Legislative: 1. Promulgated on February 3, 2012.
Content: Article 1
The Ministry of Education shall establish the National Education Radio Station (hereinafter referred to as “NERS”) to administer the national educational broadcasting related affairs.

Article 2
The NERS shall be in charge of the following matters:
1. Planning and execution of education policy, and promotion of decrees.
2. Planning, production, digitization management and marketing of educational radio programs, and educational news programs.
3. Assistance and promotion of school radio education.
4. Promotion of social education and public service.
5. Other matters relate to educational broadcasts.

Article 3
The NERS has one Director-General in the twelfth job ranking of the classified positions, who may be hired in accordance with the requirements for the president of junior college or an independent academy if necessary, and one deputy director in the eleventh job ranking of the classified positions.

Article 4
The ranks, grades and number of positions of NERS staff shall be governed by a separate organization chart.

Article 5
The date of effect of this Act shall be determined and announced by the Executive Yuan.