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Title: Implementation Directions for Taiwan International Student Design Competition Ch
Date: 2025.01.17
Legislative: 1. Issued by the Ministry of Education via Ordinance Tai-Kao (I) No. 0990053858C on April 13, 2010.
2. Amended by the Ministry of Education via Ordinance Tai-Kao (I) No. 0990131215B on August 9, 2010, amending Article 3, effective January 1, 2011.
3. Amended and publicized in full (14 articles) by the Ministry of Education via Ordinance Tai-Kao (I) No. 1010237644B on December 20, 2012, effective January 1, 2013.
4. Amended and publicized by the Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education, via Ordinance Tai-Chiao-Ching-Shu-Fu No. 1022160240 on April 12, 2013, amending Article 3, effective immediately.
5. Amended and publicized by the Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education, via Ordinance Tai-Chiao-Ching-Shu-Fu No. 1032161362 on December 2, 2014, amending Article 9, effective May 1, 2014.
6. Amended by the Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education, via Ordinance Tai-Chiao-Ching-Shu-Fu No. 1062101990 on March 6, 2017, amending Articles 6 and 9, effective immediately.
7. Amended via Ordinance Tai-Chiao-Shou-Ching-Pu No. 1060000073B on December 1, 2017, effective January 1, 2018.
8. Amended by the Ministry of Education via Ordinance Tai-Chiao-Kao (I) No. 1132203745A on January 17, 2025, amending certain provisions, effective January 1, 2025.
Content: 1.In order to promote design creativity of students worldwide, to advertise the successes of Taiwan's art and design education programs, and to strengthen international exchange of Taiwanese design talents, the Ministry of Education (MOE) hosts the Taiwan International Student Design Competition (TISDC) and set forth this guideline.

2.There are five entry categories in TISDC: product design, visual design, digital animation, architecture and landscape design, and fashion design.

3.Qualified entrants in TISDC should be:
(a)Students currently enrolled in senior high schools or above, locally or abroad.
(b)Under 30 years of age. Female applicants, who have given birth before the age of 30, may have 2 years extension per birth.

4.TISDC entries should meet the following requirements:
(a)Entries must be original and created by the entrants themselves.
(b)All concepts, text, icons, forms, photos, video, audio, music, animation contents and program of the work shall not be involved in any plagiarism or infringement of copyrights.

5.Entrants should observe the following rules:
(a)Respect the decisions made by the TISDC selection committee
(b)Before the TISDC award announcement, if the participating work has been published, awarded or is under an evaluation process in other competitions, the entrant shall inform the MOE, as an important piece of reference information to be considered in the evaluation process.
(c)Requests, lobbies, bribes, threats or other actions interfering the selection committee or the evaluation process are not allowed.

6.The MOE has set up for each entry category respectively a preliminary and a final selection committee. The preliminary selection committee will be composed of more than 15 members, recruiting scholars and experts from different design fields in Taiwan. For each of these five categories, one of the committee members will be appointed as a convener. The final selection committee will be composed of more than 15 members, recruiting at least 10 international design scholars and experts, and at least 5 local ones. Again, for each of these five categories, one of the committee members will be appointed as a convener. In case the convener is unable to carry out the duty for some reason, the convener may authorize a member as a representative.
The evaluation process shall adhere to the principle of equality and justice. All members of the preliminary and the final selection committee are unpaid positions.

7.The duties of the preliminary selection committee are:
(a)To set out the evaluation criteria for the preliminary selection.
(b)To recommend the list of TISDC final selection finalists.
(c)To evaluate and decide on other important matters relevant to the TISDC preliminary selection.

8.The duties of the final selection committee are:
(a)To set out the evaluation criteria for the final selection.
(b)To make the final decision.    
(c)To deliver the list of TISDC award winners.
(d)To evaluate and decide on other important matters relevant to the TISDC final selection.

9.The TISDC awards in various categories are:
(a)Grand Prix (1 winner across all 5 categories): NT$400,000 and an award certificate.
(b)Gold Prize (1 winner in each category): NT$250,000 and an award certificate.
(c)Silver Prize (1 winner in each category): NT$150,000 and an award certificate.
(d)Bronze Prize (1 winner in each category): NT$60,000 and an award certificate.
(e)Honorable Mention (several winners in each category): NT$10,000 and an award certificate.
(f)Sponsor Special Prize (several winners in each category): A monetary-prize (no more than the amount of gold prize) and an award certificate.
The aforementioned awards, as decided by the final selection committee, may be subject to change or adjustment. For entries that have won any award in any competition listed under the MOE’s plan for "Encouraging Student Participation in International Art and Design Competitions " within the same year, the final selection committee will approve the awarding amount on merit basis, not subject to the preceding award’s monetary prize limit.
The TISDC award certificate will be presented in the name of the Minister in an award ceremony for public recognition.

10.Award winners shall agree the following matters:
(a)Provide detailed information of the work for the purpose of media coverage and exhibitions.
(b)Within 3 years following the announcement of the award, winners should cooperate with the MOE in exhibitions and promotion activities. Furthermore, original files and information of the work should be kept for the MOE’s reference.
(c)Agree to grant the MOE for-free and non-exclusively the rights to use information of the awarded work submitted to the competition, such as pictures and textual descriptions, video/audio productions (movies) and digital files, in public presentations, public broadcasts, and internet             publications, for the purposes of education, research, and public services. The MOE may reproduce the work for education and research purposes.
(d)All monetary prizes will be taxed.

11.In any of the following circumstances, once verified after investigation, MOE shall reserve the rights to disqualify the competition entry, and to revoke the awarded prizes and certificates from the awarded winners:
(a)Violation of the rules set out in point 3-5.
(b)The commercialization and marketing activities of the awarded work contravene the image or spirit of this competition
(c)The winner is involved in requests, lobbies, bribes, threats or other actions which interfere with the selection committee or the evaluation process, and the selection committee considers the issue serious after discussion.

12.TISDC matters including but not limited to registration, submission format and themes of the works, evaluation criteria, schedule, activity information, monetary prize payment, public recognition, follow the “Participation, evaluation procedure, and other regulations”published annually by the MOE.

13.Disputes arising from these guidelines, will be discussed by the selection committee, and be reported to the MOE for making a decision.

14.Operational funds needed for the TISDC execution works will be prepared and cope with the annual budget by the MOE.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System