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Title: Regulations Governing the Establishment of Junior College Evening Divisions Ch
Date: 2014.12.26
Legislative: 1.Amended on 13 July 2005
2.Amended on 26 December 2014

Article 1  These regulations have been determined in accordance with Article 11 of the Junior College Law (herein referred to as this law).




Article 2  Junior colleges may establish evening divisions (night schools) in order to provide opportunities for educational advancement to young working people and to increase the educational options of high school graduates or students with equivalent educational attainment.




Article 3  A junior college evening division should only offer courses of the same type as those offered by the college’s day division. However, in situations where an evening division can meet special social or industrial needs, it may offer other types of courses if they are approved by the Ministry of Education.




Article 4  Each junior college evening division shall appoint a full-time assistant professor (or above) who was hired by the college president to serve concurrently as evening division director and bear responsibility for overall management of the division’s affairs.



Article 5  Each department of a junior college evening division shall appoint a chairperson. Normally, the day division chairperson should concurrently serve as evening division chairperson. If, however, the day division does not have an equivalent department, a full-time instructor of the evening division may serve as chairperson.



Article 6  There are two categories of junior college evening division students: formal students and elective students.




Article 7  Junior college evening division elective students are not formally enrolled and are not required to pass an entrance examination, to be high school graduates, or to possess equivalent educational attainment. Elective students may be accepted after passing the school’s own screening process.


         Elective students may not take more than ten credit hours of courses per semester. If they receive passing grades, they will be issued credit certificates.




Article 8  If an elective student in a junior college evening division passes the college’s entrance examination and enrolls as a formal student, the college may accept credit for courses previously taken and passed on an elective basis. Such students must attend the college as formal students for at least one year before being allowed to graduate. 




Article 9  All junior college matters pertaining to committee meetings, student recruiting methods, formal student entrance qualifications, limitations on years of study, conferral of degrees, academic regulations, curricula, and fees shall be handled in accordance with Articles 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, and 35 of the Junior College Law.



Article 10  Junior college evening division students should attend evening division classes. However, in order to meet the advanced study needs of some specially qualified evening division students, the college may allow them to take day division classes.


          In such cases, the number of day division credits taken by an evening division student may not exceed one-third of the total credits taken by the student during that semester, except in certain special circumstances where the Ministry of Education grants its approval.



Article 11  A junior college evening division should use the college’s existing buildings and facilities. If, however, circumstances preclude the use of existing buildings and facilities, the college may, after obtaining the Ministry of Education’s approval, establish evening division buildings and facilities at an appropriate location in the special municipality, county, or city where the junior college is located.



Article 12  These regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System