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Title: Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission Ch
Date: 2016.02.24
Legislative: 1.Announced on August 30,1995
2.Amended on April 09, 1997
3.Amended on May 21, 1997
4.Amended on March 05, 1999
5.Amended on March 28, 2000
6.Amended on Novenber 21, 2000
7.Amended on April 22,2003
8.Amendment to all Articles promulgated on December 28, 2006
9.Amended on January 15, 2011
10.Amended on July 15, 2011
11.Amended on January 24, 2013
12.Amended on April 3, 2013
13.Amended on September 29, 2015
14.Amended on February 24, 2016
Article 1
These Standards are enacted pursuant to the provisions of
Article 23, Paragraph 4 of the University Act.
Article 2
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility 
criteria is considered to have adequate academic ability
and may take the entrance examination for new students 
for university bachelor’s degree programs 
(not including two-year bachelor’s degree programs):
1. The student has not completed senior secondary school 
or a college of continuing education program but is in one
of the following categories:
(1) The student completed all but the final year of the 
    prescribed program but for some reason took leave or 
    withdrew from their studies, or had to repeat a grade 
    for two years or more, and is able to provide a transcript 
    of their results for all academic years that was issued by
    the school or college, or is able to provide a certificate 
    of attendance, a transfer certificate, or a leave from 
    studies certificate, each with such a transcript attached;
(2) The student completed the first semester of the final 
    year of the prescribed program but for some reason took 
    leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or 
    more and is able to provide a transcript of their results 
    for all academic years that was issued by the school or 
    college, or is able to provide a certificate of attendance, 
    transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, 
    each with such a transcript attached; or
(3) The student completed the prescribed program but 
    for some reason was unable to graduate, and has a 
    school-issued transcript of their results for all 
    academic years, or is able to provide a certificate
    of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from 
    studies certificate, each with such a transcript attached.
2. The student has not completed a five-year junior college or 
   college of continuing education program but is in one of the 
   following categories:
(1) The student completed the second semester of the third year
    of their course but for some reason took leave or withdrew 
    from their studies for one year or more, and is able to 
    provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, 
    or a leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript
    of their results for all academic years attached; or
(2) The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from their
    studies during their fourth or fifth year of study, or 
    completed the prescribed program but for some reason was 
    unable to graduate, and is able to provide a certificate of 
    attendance, transfer certificate, or a leave from studies 
    certificate, each with a transcript of their results for 
    all academic years attached.
3. For a student who undertook but did not complete a 
   comprehensive educational program implemented in accordance
   with the Arts Education Act but is able to provide a 
   certificate of attendance, one of the two preceding 
   subparagraphs apply, mutatis mutandis, depending on whether 
   they undertook a senior secondary school or five-year 
   junior college program.
4. The student completed three years of a senior secondary 
   school and vocational continuing (supplementary) education, 
   or practical skills (extension education class) program 
   and is able to provide a course completion certificate.
5. The student passed the Self-study Academic Ability 
   Assessment Examination and is able to provide a certificate 
   attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to that
   of a graduate of a general senior high school, skills-based  
   senior high school, or junior college.
6. The student passed the Academic Achievement Assessment 
   Examination for educated young soldiers and is able to 
   provide a certificate attesting that their academic 
   ability is equivalent to senior secondary school level.
7. The student passed the Academic Achievement Assessment 
   Examination for veterans and is able to provide a 
   certificate attesting that their academic ability is 
   equivalent to senior secondary school level.
8. The student passed a supplementary education for active
   military service personnel examination and is able to 
   provide a certificate attesting that their academic 
   ability is equivalent to senior secondary school level.
9. The student passed any of the following national examinations,
    and has been awarded a certificate attesting this:
(1) Senior Civil Service Examination, Ordinary Level Civil 
    Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two, or Level 
    Three Special Civil Service Examination;
(2) Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; 
    or a Special Examination of an equivalent level;
10. The student is able to provide a document from a senior
    secondary school in Mainland China certifying that they 
    have not yet completed the program, and satisfies the 
    provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and
    Recognition of Academic Credentials from the Mainland Area, 
    and whose circumstances are one of those stipulated in 
    Subparagraph 1.
11. The student is able to provide a certificate attesting that
    they have passed one of the following professional skill 
    assessment tests:
(1) The student has been awarded a Level C certified 
    technician’s certificate, or a single-class certified 
    technician’s certificate equivalent to Level C, and 
    has five or more years of related practical work experience; 
(2) The student has been awarded a Level B certified 
    technician’s certificate, or single-class certified 
    technician’s certificate equivalent to Level B, and has 
    two or more years of related practical work experience; or
(3) The person has been awarded a Level A certified technician’s
    certificate, or single-class certified technician’s 
    certificate equivalent to Level A.
12. The student is aged at least 22 and is able to provide 
    documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total 
    of 40 or more credits studying different courses of the 
    sort listed below:
(1) Continuing education credit courses offered by a junior 
    college, tertiary college, or university; or
(2) Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry 
    of Education; or
(3) Non-degree programs (not including continuing education 
    programs) for non-degree students offered by open 
13. The student is able to provide documentary evidence that
    they have earned 40 or more credits, and had satisfactory 
    results studying as a non-degree at an open university 
    (not including continuing education programs).
14. The student meets the requirements stipulated in Article 29, 
    Paragraph 2 of the Statute for Implementing Non-school
    Experimental Education at the Stage of Senior High School 
   or Lower Level.
Article 3 
A person who meets any of the following eligibility criteria is 
considered to have adequate scholastic ability and may take the 
entrance examination for new-students for two-year bachelor’s 
degree programs:
1. The student has not completed a two-year college program or 
a college of continuing education program but is in one of the
following categories:
(1) The student completed the first semester of the final year 
    of the prescribed program, but for some reason took leave 
    or withdrew from their studies for two years or more, and 
    is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
    certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with 
    a transcript of their results for all academic years 
    attached; or
(2) The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from 
    their studies for one year or more during the second 
    semester of the final year of the prescribed program 
    but is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer
    certificate, or leave from studies certificate, with a 
    transcript of their results for all academic years attached;
(3) The student completed the prescribed program and received
    80 or more of the credits required for graduation but for 
    some reason was not able to graduate, and is able to provide 
    a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave 
    from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their 
    results for all academic years attached.
2. A student who has not completed a three-year junior college
   program or a college of continuing education program but is 
   in one of the following categories:
(1) The student completed all but the final year of the 
    prescribed program but for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for three years or more, and 
    is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
    certificate, or leave fromstudies certificate, each with a 
    transcript of their results for all academic years
    attached; or
(2) The student completed the first semester of the final year
    of the prescribed program, but for some reason took leave 
    or withdrew from their studies for two years or more, and 
    is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
    certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with 
    a transcript of their results for all academic years 
    attached; or
(3) The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one
    year or more during the second semester of the final year of the prescribed program,
    and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave 
    from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all academic 
    years attached.
3. A student who has not completed a five-year junior college 
   program or a college of continuing education program but is 
   in one of the following categories:
(1) The student completed all but the final year of the 
    prescribed program, but for some reason took leave or 
    withdrew from their studies for three years or more, and 
    is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
    certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with 
    a transcript of their results for all academic years 
    attached; or
(2) The student completed the first semester of the final year
    of the prescribed program but for some reason took leave or 
    withdrew from their studies for two years or more and is 
    able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
    certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each 
    a transcript of their results for all academic years 
    attached; or
(3) The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from 
    their studies for one year or more during the second
    semester of the final year of the prescribed program, and 
    is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
    certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with 
    a transcript of their results for all academic years 
    attached; or
(4) The student completed the prescribed program and received 
    220 or more of the credits required for graduation but for 
    some reason was not able to graduate and is able to provide 
    a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave 
    from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their 
    results for all academic years attached.
4. The student has not completed a university bachelor’s degree
   program (at an open university) but completed the second 
   semester of the second year, and for some reason took leave 
   or withdrew from their studies for one year or more, and is 
   able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer 
   certificate, or leave from studies certificate, 
   each with a transcript of their results for all academic 
   years attached.
5. The person has passed the Self-study Academic Ability 
   Assessment Examination and is able to provide a certificate 
   attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to 
   junior college level.
6. The person has passed any of the following national 
   examinations and is able to provide a certificate attesting 
  (1) Senior Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two, 
      or Level Three Special Civil  Service Examination;
  (2) Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; 
     or a Special Examination of an equivalent level;
7. The person is able to provide a certificate attesting that 
   they have passed one of the following professional skill 
   assessment tests:
(1) The person has obtained a Level B certified technician’s 
    certificate, or single-class certified technician’s 
    certificate equivalent to Level C, and has four or more 
    years of related practical work experience; or
(2) The person has obtained a Level A certified technician’s
    certificate, or a single-class certified technician’s 
    certificate equivalent to Level A, and has two or more 
    years of related practical work experience.
8. The person is aged at least 22 years; or graduated from senior secondary school (or 
   completed senior secondary school education); or completed the prescribed program length 
   of study at a senior secondary school; and is also able to provide documentary evidence 
   that they have accumulated a total of 80 credits or more, studying different courses of 
   the sort listed below:
(1) University level credit courses at a university or an open university;
(2) Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, tertiary college, or university; or
(3) Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of Education
9. A person who has worked in a related field for over five years after obtaining their senior 
   secondary school diploma, and been reviewed and given approval by a particular university’s 
   admission committee or a joint admission committee.
10. For a student who undertook but did not complete a comprehensive educational program 
    implemented in accordance with the Arts Education Act and is able to provide a certificate
    of attendance, the provisions of Subparagraphs 3 and 4 apply, mutatis mutandis, depending 
    on whether thestudent undertook a five-year junior college or a university bachelor’s 
    degree program.
A student who obtained the course credits stipulated in 
Subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph after the revised 
Continuing Education Regulations for Junior colleges and 
Universities took effect on July 13, 2011 and before these 
Standards were revised and came into effect on January 24, 
2013 is not subject to the age limit of 22 years.
Article 4
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility
criteria is considered to have equivalent scholastic ability 
and may take an examination to transfer into the second 
or third year of a university bachelor’s degree program 
(not including two-year bachelor’s degree programs), as 
1.The student has not completed a bachelor’s degree program
and is in one of the following categories,and is able to
provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, 
or leave-from-studies certificate, each with a transcript of 
their results for all academic years attached:
  (1)A transferring student whose completed studies accumulated 
     together add up to four or more semesters may transfer into 
     the first semester of the third year. 
  (2)A transferring student whose completed studies add up to
     five or more semesters may transfer into the second 
     semester of the third year.
2.The student has not completed a two-year bachelor’s degree 
  program but completed the first semester of the first year 
  of the program and is able to provide a certificate of 
  attendance,transfer certificate, or leave-from-studies 
  certificate, each with a transcript of their results 
  for all academic years attached. 
3.A junior college student in one of the following categories:
 (1)The student has been awarded a junior college diploma or 
    graduated from a vocational training program; or
 (2)The student studied for the prescribed number of years but
    did not complete the prescribed program, and is able to 
    provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or 
    leave-from-studies certificate, together with a transcript 
    of their results for all academic years attached.
4.The person passed the Self-study Academic Ability Assessment 
  Examination and is able to provide a certificate attesting 
  that their academic ability is equivalent to junior college 
5.The person is aged at least 22 years; or graduated from senior 
  secondary school (or completed senior secondary school 
  education); or completed the prescribed program length of study
  at a senior secondary school; and is also able to provide 
  documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total of 80 
  credits or more, studying different courses of the sort listed 
  (1)University level credit courses at a university or an open 
     university; or
  (2)Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, 
     tertiary college, or university; or
  (3)Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of 
6.A fulltime student at an open university who has not completed 
  their program but has completed 36 credits may take an 
  entrance examination to begin studying at the second-year 
  level of a program in a university department of a similar 
  nature to the open university department they were formerly 
  studying in; a fulltime student at an open university who has
  not completed their program but has completed 72 credits may 
  take an entrance examination to begin studying at the 
  third-year level of a program in a university department of a 
  similar nature. 
A student who satisfies one of the following criteria may take 
an examination to transfer into a two-year bachelor’s degree 
program, and if they are admitted, they may transfer into the 
second semester of the first year of the university program: 
1. The student did not complete a bachelor’s degree program at
  a university (not including an open university) but completed 
  first semester of third year of the program and is able to
  provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, 
  or leave-from-studies certificate, each with a transcript 
  of their results for all academic years attached.
2.The student did not complete a two-year bachelor’s degree 
  program but  their completed studies accumulated together 
  add up to one semester and the student is able to provide 
  a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or 
  leave-from-studies certificate, each with a transcript of 
  their results for all academic years attached.
A person who satisfies one of the following criteria may take 
an examination to transfer into a post-baccalaureate bachelor’s
degree program, and if they are admitted they may transfer into 
the second-year of the program: 
1.The student has a master’s degree or a doctorate.
2.The student is able to provide documentary evidence that they 
  accumulated a total of 20 credits or more studying different 
  courses of the sort listed below, after obtaining a bachelor’s
(1)University level credit courses at a university or an open
   university; or
(2)Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, 
   tertiary college,or university; or
(3)Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of 
If a student undertook but did not complete a comprehensive 
educational program implemented in accordance with the Arts 
Education Act and they are able to provide a certificate of 
attendance, the provisions of Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 
and 3, and Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 1 apply, mutatis mutandis, 
depending on whether the student was formerly undertaking a 
five-year juniorcollege or a university bachelor’s degree 
A student who earned the course credits stipulated in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 5 after the 
promulgation of the revised Continuing Education Regulations for
Junior Colleges and Universities on July 13, 2011 and before 
June 13, 2013 is not subject to the age limit of 22 years.
A transferring student who is taking the transfer examination(s)
referred to in Paragraph 1 and /or Paragraph 2 and who, if 
admitted, plans to enroll in courses at both their former
college or university and at the one that they are transferring 
into, in accordance with the regulations of each of the 
educational institutions governing dual enrollments, may 
provide just a transcript of their results for all academic 
Article 5
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have 
adequate scholastic ability and may take the entrance examination for new students for 
the first year of master’s degree programs:
1. A university student in a bachelor’s degree program completed
   all but the final year of the prescribed program, but for 
   some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for
   at least two years since the first day of their final year 
   of the prescribed program, and is able to provide a 
   certificate of attendance, or a leave from studies 
   certificate, each with a transcript of their results for 
   all academic years attached;
2. A university student completed the prescribed bachelor’s 
   degree program but for some reason was not able to graduate, 
   at least one full year before the last day of their 
   final year of the prescribed program, and is able to provid 
   a certificate of attendance, or a leave from studies 
   certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all 
   academic years attached;
3. The university student completed four years of a bachelor’s 
   degree program of six years or more (including practical 
   training), and received at least 128 of the credits required 
   for graduation;
4. A person who was awarded a junior college diploma, at least 
   two years previously after graduating from a three-year 
   course; or at least three years previously after graduating 
   from a two-year or five-year course; a person who was awarded 
   a qualification certificate from a college of continuing 
   (supplementary) education; or a college of continuing 
   education  graduation diploma, and is able to provide a
   certificate attesting that their academic ability is 
   equivalent to junior college level is to be dealt with 
   in the same way as a person who attended a two-year 
   junior college. Each college or university may also set 
   additional regulations stipulating related work experience 
   and the minimum number of such years worked, based on actual
5. The person has passed one of the following national 
   examinations and is able to provide a certificate attesting 
(1) Senior Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two,
    or Level Three Special Civil Service Examination;
(2) Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; 
    or a Special Examination of an equivalent level;
6. The person is able to provide a certificate attesting that 
   they have passed one of the following professional skill 
   assessment tests:
(1) The person has obtained a Level A certified technician’s 
    certificate, or single-class certified technician’s 
    certificate equivalent to Level A, and has three or more 
    years of related practical work experience; or
(2) Level B is the highest qualification available in their 
    skill area and the person has obtained a certified 
    technician’s certificate, or a single-class certified 
    technician’s certificate equivalent to Level B, and has
    five or more years of related practical work experience.
Article 6 
A person who has been employed as a professional technician at a university or tertiary college, 
or as a teacher of professional or technical subject(s) at a junior college or senior secondary 
school who has been reviewed and given approval by a particular university’s admission committee
 or by a joint admission committee will be considered to have an adequate scholastic ability and 
may take the entrance examinations for new students referred to in Article 2, Article 3, or the
previous article, as appropriate.
Article 7
A person who has exceptional achievements in their professional field, and has received 
approval from the Ministry of Education, and been reviewed and given approval by a particular 
university’s admission committee or by a joint admission committee will be considered to 
have an adequate scholastic ability and may take the entrance examinations for new students 
referred to in Article 2, Article 3, and Article 5, as appropriate.
Article 8
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have an 
equivalent level of education and may take the entrance examination for new-students for 
the first year of a doctorate program:
1. The person has completed two years of a master’s degree program and all the prescribed
   program subjects and received the required credits (not including a thesis) but for some
   reason was not able to graduate and for some reason took leave or withdrew from their
   studies for one year or more, and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, or 
   leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all academic
   years attached, and submits an example of their written work with the quality of a 
   master’s thesis;
2. The person has completed a doctorate program but did not pass the doctorate degree   
   candidate qualification examination or doctorate degree examination and is able to
   provide a certificate of attendance, or leave from studies certificate, each 
   with a transcript of their results for all academic years attached, and submits
   an example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis;
3. The person has been awarded a bachelor’s degree in a department that requires six 
   or more years of study, has received two or more years of professional training, 
   and submits an example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis;
4. The person has graduated from a university and has a bachelor’s degree, has five 
   or more years of practical experience related to their field of study, and submits
   an example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis; or
5. The person has passed any of the following national examinations and is able to
   provide a certificate attesting this, has six or more years of practical experience 
   related to their field of study, and submits an example of their written work with 
   the quality of a master’s thesis:
(1) Senior Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two, or Level Three 
    Special Civil Service Examination;
(2) Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; or a Special 
    Examination of an equivalent level;
The example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis referred to 
in each subparagraph of the paragraph above shall be independently assessed by the 
university involved. An example of their creative work such as an exhibition or 
performance with a written report, or a technical report relating to their work 
in an applied technologies field may be submitted in place of an example of written
work with the quality of a master’s thesis.
The professional training referred to in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3, and the practical
experience related to the individual’s field of study referred to in Paragraph 1, 
Subparagraphs 4 and 5 shall be independently assessed by the university involved.
Article 9
The provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 1 may also be applied,
mutatis mutandis, for a person who received secondary school 
education in a foreign country, or Hong Kong, or Macao and 
satisfies the provisions of the Regulations Regarding the 
Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for 
Institutions of Higher Education, or the Regulations Regarding 
the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials for the 
Hong Kong and Macao Areas.
A student who graduated in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or 
Macao from a senior secondary school whose graduating year is 
academically equivalent to the second grade of a senior secondary school in Taiwan of a comparable academic level and 
nature is considered to have adequate academic ability 
and may take the entrance examination for new students for 
university bachelor’s degree programs.The 
university shall, however, increase the number of credits required for such students 
to graduate or extend the prescribed number of years of study.
The provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 1 may also apply, 
mutatis mutandis, to a student who attended a school in a 
foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao of a comparable academic 
level and nature to senior secondary schools in Taiwan, 
but which requires more years of study to complete than senior 
secondary schools in Taiwan do, and who did not complete their
secondary studies there but completed grades/years of study 
equivalent to particular grades/years of the prescribed senior 
secondary school program in Taiwan.
The provisions of Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 3 and 4 of the 
preceding article may also apply, mutatis mutandis, to a person 
who was awarded a bachelor’s degree in a foreign country, 
Hong Kong, or Macao, and satisfies the provisions of the 
Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign 
Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education, or 
the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of 
Academic Credentials for the Hong Kong and Macao Areas.
The provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 2; Article 3, 
Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 to 4; Article 4, Paragraph 1,
Subparagraphs 1 to 3, Paragraph 2, and Paragraph 3,
Subparagraph 1; Article 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4; and 
Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding article 
may also apply, mutatis mutandis, for a student with an academic
record of graduating from (or not yet completing a program at) 
a junior college or higher level educational institution in a 
foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao which is included in the 
Ministry of Education List of Recognized Higher Education 
Institutions or which has been accredited by an organization 
authorized by the government where it is located, or by a 
professional accreditation body, if the educational 
institution’s enrollment eligibility criteria, 
length of prescribed programs, and curricula are all equivalent
to those specified in regulations governing educational 
institutions of the same level and nature in Taiwan, 
and the educational standard of its students has been reviewed 
by the admission committee of a particular university or by a 
joint admission committee and been determined to be equivalent 
to that provided by an educational institution of the same level
and nature in Taiwan.
A person who was awarded an associate degree and was issued a 
transcript of their results for all academic years, or was issued an advanced diploma and a transcript of their results
 for all academic years by such an educational institution in 
Hong Kong or Macao as referred to in the previous paragraph, 
is considered to have adequate academic ability and may take 
the entrance examination for new students for the first year 
of two-year bachelor’s degree programs at a university of 
science and technology, or an institute of technology.
The certificates of attendance, graduation diplomas, and 
academic achievement documents issued by a junior college or 
higher level educational institution in a foreign country,
 Hong Kong, or Macao referred to in Paragraph 5; and the 
associate degree diploma and transcript of results for all
 academic years; the advanced diploma and transcript of 
results for all academic years issued by an educational 
institution in Hong Kong or Macao referred to in the previous 
paragraph; and the bachelor’s degree awarded in a foreign 
country, Hong Kong, or Macao referred to in Paragraph 10 shall 
each be examined and verified by an overseas ROC embassy,
consulate, representative office, or other agency authorized
by the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or by an agency in Hong 
Kong or Macao established or designated by the ROC Executive 
Since the Act Governing Relations between Peoples of Taiwan 
Area and Mainland Area was promulgated and took effect on 
September 18, 1992, the provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 2;
Article 3, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 to 4; Article 5, 
Subparagraphs 1 to 4; and of Paragraph 1,Subparagraphs 1 and 2 
of the preceding Article may also be applied, mutatis mutandis, 
to peoplefrom the Taiwan Area, and people from the Mainland China
area, foreigners, or residents of Hong Kong or Macao who have 
been given permission to enter Taiwan for family reunification, 
as relative-sponsored residents, for long-term residence, or 
settlement who have an academic record of graduating from (or did
not complete the program at) a junior college or higher 
level educational institution in Mainland China which meets
the following criteria:
1.The educational institution is included in the Ministry of
  Education List of Recognized Higher Education Institutions 
  in Mainland China, and does not have any of the precluding
  characteristics set out in the provisions of Article 8 of 
  the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of 
  Academic Credentials from the Mainland Area.
2.The educational institution’s enrollment eligibility criteria,
  length of prescribed programs, and curricula are all equivalent
  to those specified in regulations governing educational institutions 
  of the same level and nature in Taiwan, and the educational 
  program(s) provided must have been reviewed and determined by 
  the Admission Committee of a university in Taiwan to be 
  equivalent to those provided by an educational institution of 
  the same level and nature in Taiwan.
The provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 to 3;  
Paragraph 2; and Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 1 may also be applied,
mutatis mutandis, to a person who graduated from (or did not 
complete the program at) a junior college or higher level
educational institution in the Mainland China area and satisfies 
the provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment 
and Recognition of Academic Credentials from the Mainland Area.
If a person has a bachelor’s degree awarded in a foreign 
country, Hong Kong, or Macao and has academic records of
graduating from (or not yet completing a program at) a higher
educational institution in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or 
Macao which is included in the Ministry of Education List of 
Recognized Higher Education Institutions, or which has been 
accredited by an organization authorized by the government
where it is located, or by a professional accreditation body, 
and if that educational institution’s enrollment eligibility 
criteria, length of prescribed programs, and curricula are all 
equivalent to those specified in regulations governing 
educational institutions of the same level and nature in Taiwan, 
and the educational standard of its students has been reviewed 
by the admission committee of a particular university or by a 
joint admission committee and been determined to be equivalent 
to that provided by an educational institution of the same level 
and nature in Taiwan; or if a person has a bachelor’s degree 
awarded by a higher educational institution in the Mainland 
China Area and satisfies the provisions of the Regulations 
Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials
from the Mainland Area, and if the person is able to provide 
documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total of 20
credits or more studying different courses of the sort listed 
in the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 3,Subparagraph 2, 
then the person may take an examination to transfer into a
post-baccalaureate bachelor’s degree program, and if they 
are admitted they may transfer into the second-year of the 
The provisions of Article 4 of the Regulations Regarding the 
Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials from the 
Mainland Area shall be applied, mutatis mutandis, regarding 
the academic credentials and records referred to in the 
preceding three paragraphs if a person who graduated from 
(or did not complete the program at) a junior college or higher 
level educational institution in the Mainland China area wants to take a university entrance
Article 10
For a student who has studied at a military or police college 
or academy, the relevant authorized MOE regulations governing 
comparative educational levels apply.
Article 11
When some number of years is stipulated in these Standards, 
the period is calculated from the stipulated beginning date 
until the latest date on which students can enroll for the 
academic year for which the student took the entrance 
examination, with the exception of the two instances set out 
1. To determine the number of years a person has discontinued 
   or taken leave from formal study: count from the end-date 
   of the last semester that the student completed, as recorded
   in the transcript of their results for all academic years, 
   certificate of attendance, or transfer certificate, until the
   latest date on which students can enroll for the academic year
   for which the student took the entrance examination.
2. To determine the number of years of professional training and
   related work: count from the starting date recorded on the 
   professional training related certificate or on a 
   certificate attesting the related work experience, to the 
   latest date on which students can enroll for the academic
   year for which the student took the entrance examination.
Article 12
These Standards shall take effect from the date of promulgation.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System