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Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: National Taiwan Arts Education Center Library Guide and Directions Ch
Date: 2016.06.02
Legislative: No.0980001745 Formulated on June 11th,2009
No.1050001872 Revised on June 2nd,2016
Content: 1. Opening Hours
(1) Tuesdays to Sundays, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Library
    will be closed on Mondays and Chinese Lunar New Year's 
    Eve and New Year's first day.
(2) The public can come freely during opening hours. 
    Children below six years old should be accompanied by 
    their parents.
2. Enquiry Services
(1) On the first floor, the staff of the Library will 
    provide enquiry services. People can contact the 
    Library via telephone, fax, mail, and email as well.
(2) There are computers providing call numbers for the 
    readers to find the books requested.
3. Reading Services
(1) The following databases are accessible for the readers: 
    I. Chinese Publications
    II. Western Publications
    III. Journals
    IV. Visual-Audio DVDs
    V. Foreign Arts Education Publications
    VI. New Publications
(2) The readers can access all books on open shelves 
    except for the Foreign Arts Education Publications. 
    After reading, the readers should put the books back 
    to the original place or return them to the staff.
(3) Foreign Arts Education Publications are the Center's
    special collections, so the readers who want to borrow
    them should give their IDs as temporary guarantees to 
    the staff.
(4) When books need to be examined, checked up, and 
    re-organized or due to some other necessary reasons, 
    the Library will be temporarily closed.
(5) Visual-Audio DVDs: 
    I. Only the visual-audio DVDs provided by the Library 
       can be used.
   II. Except for any special permission, the readers 
       shouldn't use their own visual-audio DVDs in the 
   III.Visual-audio DVDs cannot be taken outside. Each 
       reader can only borrow and watch one DVD at one 
       time in the Library.
(6) Rules for Using Computer 
    I. The readers should register at the service counter 
       prior to use.
    II.Each reader can only reserve one computer and is 
       allowed to use it for one hour each time. If the 
       computer will be available in the following hour, 
       the reader can start to register for continual use 
       five minutes before the previous session ends.
   III.Registration will be automatically cancelled if the
       reader leaves away from the seat for over five 
       minutes or fails to arrive within five minutes after
       the registered session begins.
    IV.The library doesn’t provide services for saving 
       data or copying CDs or DVDs.
     V.Users are forbidden to destroy the library’s 
       internal and external network facilities, spread 
       computer viruses, alter computer programs, 
       interrupt other readers’ work, weaken internet 
       security, violate the law and order, or act 
4. Document Retrieval
(1) If the reader wants to access Chinese or Western 
    publications, he or she can go to the service counter 
    to apply.
(2) When applying for books, the readers should check the 
    catalogue of the Library's collections and fill in the
    form so that the service staff can help the document 
(3) Five books will be allowed to be retrieved for each 
    reader at one time.
(4) After reading, the readers should return the books 
    back to the service staff.
5. Compensation for Damage
If the reader steals, spoils, damages, destroys the 
library’s facilities, equipments, and various data and 
books, his or her right of using the library will be 
suspended or deprived depending on levels of behaviors. 
If necessary, the Library will send the reader to the 
police station or ask for payment of compensation in 
cash according to the various prices of the related 
6. Others
(1) The readers who enter into the Library should be 
    neatly dressed, keep quiet, and maintain the 
    cleanliness of the environment. The readers can neither
    make noises nor spit, smoke, drink and eat, or disturb 
    other readers. Any mobile communication equipments and
    electronic products need to be turned off or at least 
    be kept in silent mode.
(2) To read books, periodicals, or newspapers or to watch 
    DVD, the readers can only take one copy each time and 
    after using, return it to the allocated or original 
(3) It is not allowed to occupy the Library’s seats to do
    non-reading activities.
(4) Except for personal notebook, the readers should 
    prepare batteries for their own electrical products. 
    The Library doesn’t supply any extra electricity. 
    A legal compensation has to be made if the readers 
    use electricity without permission and thus cause an 
    immediate danger to other people or the environment.
(5) Pets and dangerous objects are not allowed in the 
    Library. It is also forbidden to post any advertisements, 
    circulate leaflets, or selling commercial goods.
(6) Precious belongs or self-owned books have to be 
    safeguarded by the readers themselves. The Library 
    has no responsibility for any loss of private valuable
(7) If violating the rules and disobeying the staff’s 
    persuasion, depending on the situation, the reader 
    could be asked to leave the Library or be suspended
    and forbidden to use the Library temporarily. 
    If the situation is serious, the Library will ask 
    the police to act according to the law.
(8) If any emergency occurs, the staff will indicate the 
    readers to reach safe areas.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System