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Title: Vocational School Law Ch
Date: 2016.05.11
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on December 17, 1932.
2.Amendment to Articles 1~17 , promulgated on May 7, 1976.
3.Amendment to Articles 4 and 14, promulgated on January 18, 1995.
4.Amendment to Articles 6, 7 and10,promulgated on February 2, 2000.
5.Addition of Articles 4-1, 8-1, 10-1~10-6, 15-1 and 15-2, amendment
to Articles 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14 and 15,promulgated on January 15, 2003.
6.Amendment to Article 15, promulgated on June 23, 2004.
7.Amendment to Article 11 of the Vocational School Law per Presidential
Decree No. Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi-Zi-09600177891, dated January 2, 2008.
8.Amendment to Article 15-2 of the Vocational School Law per Presidential
Decree No. Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi-Zi-0980015541, dated June 17, 2009.
9.Amendment to Article 4 of the Vocational School Law per Presidential
Decree No. Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi-Zi-09800292171, dated November 25, 2009.
10.Amendment to Article 15-1 of the Vocational School Law per Presidential
Decree No. Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi-Zi-09900140650, dated June 9, 2010.
11.Abolished on May 11 , 2016
Content: Article 1
The mission of vocational schools, as pursuant to Article 158 
of the Constitution of the Republic of China, is to equip 
young people with vocational knowledge and skills, to instill
 an understanding of professional ethics, and to develop 
well-rounded technicians for entry-level employment.
Article 2
Vocational school shall, in principle, be established in one 
category and the name of the vocational school shall designate
the school's category. The vocational school may encompass two
categories as necessary and the following may be deemed as a 
single category: business and home economics, maritime 
technology and fisheries, medical technology and nursing, 
and arts and drama.
Each category shall have several departments. The school shall
report the establishment, modification or suspension of each 
department to the competent educational authority for approval.
For newly applied departments which not yet set the curriculum 
standards or guidelines, the establish application shall be 
forward to the Ministry of Education for approval.Vocational 
school approved by the competent educational authority as 
described in the foregoing paragraph can arrange practical 
skills curriculums which can be completed on annual basis.
Article 3
Standards for establishing of vocational schools shall be 
prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
Article 4
To qualify for admission to a vocational school, students 
must have graduated from junior high school or obtained 
an equivalent educational level (the standard of the 
equivalent education level shall be prescribed by the 
Ministry of Education).
Vocational schools shall diversify their approach to 
recruitment and the Ministry of Education shall prescribe 
recruitment approaches, applicable areas, scope, methods, 
the targets of recruitment, application time, division, 
the ratio of quotas and other regulations upon consultation 
with special municipality and county/city educational 
authorities.The term of study at vocational schools 
shall be limited in principle to three years. The
competent educational authority shall report the 
following situation to the Ministry for authorization:
Special departments that may need to increase or decrease 
the term limitation.
Vocational schools shall scrutinize the study performance 
of students; the school shall shorten the term of study 
of the students with excellent academic performance by 
a half to one year. The students who do not receive the 
required credits in a term may extend their term of study 
by two years. The Ministry of Education shall prescribe 
regulations for the subjects, methods standards and other 
relevant issues so as to examine students’ study results.
Article 4-1
The above regulations and limitations of recruitment quota 
and methods shall not be applicable to the students from 
disaster-affected areas, the children of the personnel 
deployed to foreign countries by the government, students 
showing excellent performance in international academic 
or technical competitions, talented student athletes, 
veterans, overseas Chinese students, Mongolian and 
Tibetan students, and foreign students. Regulations 
of recruitment quota, methods, qualification, and 
application procedures, admission standards and the rights 
and obligations of candidates applicable related thereto 
shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
Article 5
Vocational schools may establish evening division, 
primarily for employed persons. Regulations applicable 
thereto shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
Article 6
Vocational schools shall be established by individual 
municipal government. As required by local circumstances, 
however, they may also be established by counties and 
county-level cities, or by private parties acting in 
accordance with the provisions of the Private School Act.
The Ministry of Education may establish national vocational
schools according to real requirement.
Article 7
If there is any establishment, modification or suspension 
of operations of a municipal vocational school, such 
actions shall be approved by the municipal government and 
reported to the Ministry of Education for recording. For
 a vocational school established by a county or 
county-level city, such actions shall be approved by the 
government of the county or county-level city and reported 
to the Ministry of Education for recording. For a Private 
vocational school, such actions shall be governed in 
accordance with the provisions of the Private School Act.
Article 8
The academic subjects taught at vocational schools shall 
be oriented toward practical application, and shall 
emphasize general knowledge, internship and experimentation
. Curriculum standards, facilities, standards, and 
regulations governing internships shall be prescribed 
by the Ministry of Education.
As a means of building a foundation for vocational schools,
vocational subjects and technical training at the junior 
high school level shall be provided in accordance with the 
preceding paragraph.
The textbooks of vocational schools shall be examined by 
the Ministry of Education or other authorized agencies. 
The regulations concerning applicant qualification, 
application procedures, expense, examination scope, 
examination procedures, the issue and abolition of 
licenses, printing standards, emendation and other 
relevant issues related thereto shall be prescribed 
by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education
 shall edit the said textbooks, if necessary.
Article 8-1
Vocational schools may organize all kinds of education 
experiments as needed and enhance education quality, and 
shall report to the competent educational authority for 
approval. The regulation of the scopes of experiments, 
application methods and procedures, examinations and 
other relevant issues related thereto shall be prescribed 
by the Ministry of Education.
Article 9
Vocational schools shall provide continuing education and 
industry-education cooperation programs as needed. 
Regulations related thereto shall be prescribed by the
 Ministry of Education.
Article 10
A vocational school shall have one principal who shall 
be in charged of responsibility for overall management 
of school affairs. The principal shall not concurrently 
hold external full-time positions except for lecturing 
in the school. The principals of national vocational 
schools shall be selected and appointed by the competent 
educational authority. In the case of a private 
vocational school, the board of directors shall select 
and hire the principal.
The selection shall be carried out by the selection 
commission formed by the competent educational authority 
or the board of directors. The regulations of organizing
selection commission, selecting standards, methods, 
procedures, employment and other relevant issues 
shall be prescribed by the competent educational authority.
The principles of affiliated vocational schools, as 
provided for Teacher Education Law, shall be selected 
among the qualified personnel in the schools by the 
principle in each university. The school shall also 
report to the competent educational authority for 
Public vocational school principals shall serve specific 
terms; the principals may only renew their term once at 
the same school. The principals, who are not at the 
expiration of their term and their tours of second term 
have not reached halfway yet, cannot participate in 
principal selection at other schools. The regulations of 
terms and evaluation related thereto shall be prescribed 
by the Ministry of Education.
Article 10-1
The current public vocational school principals with 
teaching certificates can return to school as teachers 
without the examination of Faculty Evaluation Committee, 
or they can transfer to other public schools as a teacher
via the competent education authority. Those preceding 
current principals without teaching certificates or those 
with teaching certificates but not willing return to 
schools as a teacher have the following options:
1.Those who conform to retirement requirements and 
volunteer to retire: the competent education authority 
shall approve their retirement requests.
2.Those who did not conform to retirement requirements 
or are not willing to retire: the competent education 
authority shall assist them to transfer to other 
occupations depending on their willingness and 
Article 10-2
The competent education authority shall carry out annual 
evaluations of the principals and teachers in public 
vocational schools. The regulations of the evaluation 
grade or result, rewards and penalty categories, the 
organization and tasks of evaluation committee, 
evaluation procedures and other relative issues shall 
be prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
Article 10-3
Vocational schools shall establish agencies that shall be
in charged of educational administration, student affairs,
practical training, general affairs, library, information, 
personnel, accounting and so on; and the school shall also 
establish agencies that are relative to continuing 
education, industry-education cooperation programs, 
research development, recruitment affairs, technology 
exchanges and fund collection. The duty of each agency 
shall be authorized by the competent education authority.
Vocational schools may employ one secretary, one library 
director, and one department director for each department.
The full-time teachers of the schools can serve in the 
above positions. Each first-class agency that is mentioned
 above shall have one director.
Article 10-4
Vocational schools shall have one homeroom teacher in each 
class to assist with student counseling. The principal may 
appoint homeroom teacher from the full-time teaching staff.
Article 10-5
Vocational Schools shall establish Governing Board to 
resolve important administrative affairs. There shall 
be at least one meeting in each semester, and the 
meeting shall be convened and presided by principals. 
The administrative affairs meeting shall be composed of 
principals, each agency director, each department 
director, all full-time teachers or teachers’ 
representatives.Vocational schools shall establish 
the committees for educational administration, student 
affairs, general affairs and practical training and 
others. The regulations about the formation and missions 
related thereto shall be prescribed by each school.
Article 10-6
Vocational schools shall establish a counseling committee 
which shall have a director that can be served by principals.
 Principals shall hire the commissioners from each agency 
director and relevant full-time teachers. Principals 
may also employ professional counseling instructors 
and voluntary counselors.
Principals may hire full-time counseling teachers with 
professional counseling knowledge and shall select the 
director from among counseling teachers.
Vocational schools shall assist and counsel students 
to develop their ability, aptitude and interests. The 
regulations about counseling, counseling scope, 
procedures, implementation methods and other relevant 
issues shall be prescribed by the competent education 
Article 11
Vocational school teachers shall be full-time employees. 
Part-time teachers may be hired in situations based on a 
case-by-case basis, the hiring of teachers shall be 
processed in accordance with the Teacher’s Act.
Should there be vacancies in public vocational schools, 
the Faculty Evaluation Committee may reach a decision 
followed by a report to the competent educational 
authority for handling the hiring process, with 
the principal directing the appointment process.
The competent educational authority may, act by 
itself or form an appointment committee, process 
the appointment and hiring of vocational school 
teachers in accordance with the previous subparagraph;
measures governing the organization of the committee, 
appointment terms and procedures shall be prescribed 
by the competent educational authority.
Vocational schools may select and hire experienced 
persons as technical and professional course instructors 
in the teaching of professional or technical subjects. 
The Ministry of Education shall prescribed regulations 
of ranking, qualification, employment, dismissal, suspension, 
discontinuance of employment, appeals, treatment, welfare, 
educational training, retirement, bereavement payment, 
dismissal with severance pay, annual increment, and 
other legal rights and interests.
Vocational school administrative staff shall be appointed 
by the principal and shall be notified to the competent 
educational authority for recording.
Article 12
The Ministry of Education shall prescribe regulations 
pertaining to the selection/recruitment, appointment/engagement, 
and promotion/transfer of the director of military 
instruction,military instructors, and nursing teachers
 at vocational schools.
Article 13
The Ministry of Education shall prescribe hiring criteria 
for the principal as well as for teaching and administrative 
staff of public vocational schools.
Article 14
The students of a vocational school shall receive no less 
than 150 credits before graduation. The school shall award 
a graduation certificate to students who have completed 
the required coursework at passing grades. The vocational 
school shall confer a certificate of study for that year's 
coursework to the students who complete required coursework
 of a Practical Technical Program at passing grades.
Each competent educational authority shall regulate such 
affairs as regarding reservation of enrolled student’s 
admission status, student transferring to other school 
and other department, suspension of study, student being 
expelled from school, course credits waiving, taking 
summer courses, the student status adjustment concerning 
military service or due to going abroad, double student 
identity and other matters related to student status.
Article 15
Each competent educational authority shall prescribe regulations 
concerning vocational school tuition fee, the items, 
purpose and amount of tuition fee, and matters related 
Vocational schools shall establish a special account to 
carry out the management of revenue and related expenditure 
of providing school venues, facilities and equipment for use, 
entrusted operations, reward for civil participation, student’s 
retaking of classes, enrollment, selection, internships, and 
implementation of extended education. The accumulated surplus 
shall be used in improving school basic equipment or fleshing 
out teaching equipment for educational purposes and not be 
restricted under the Article 13 of Budget Law, Article 7 of 
State Owned Property Act and the relevant limitation of local 
public property management.
The Central competent educational authority shall prescribe 
the regulation of the above management of revenue and related
Article 15-1
The governments shall assist students of vocational schools 
by providing student loans; Loan items include miscellaneous 
expenses, practical training, books, accommodation, living 
expenses, group insurance for students, study abroad, and 
other relevant costs. Regulation on applying qualifications, 
amount, rights and obligations as well as other proceedings 
shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
Article 15-2
Vocational schools should have group insurance for students; 
the coverage, amount, payment method, duration, payment standard, 
rights and obligations, process and other relevant regulations 
should be prescribed by each educational authority.
The school should actively assist students who apply for 
Educational authorities at all levels should take out public 
liability insurance for vocational school campuses within 
their jurisdiction.
Costs incurred by the preceding paragraph should be included 
within the Ministry of Education’s annual budget.
Article 16
Regulations Governing Vocational Schools shall be prescribed
by the Ministry of Education.
Article 17
This Law shall enter into force from the date of issuance
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System