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Title: National Sports Act Ch
Date: 2016.05.11
Legislative: 1. All 13 articles were formulated and announced through issue
143 of the Nationalist Government Gazette on 16th April
2. All 11 articles were amended through issue 395 of the
Nationalist Government Gazette Chongqing Edition on 9th
September 1941.
3. All 15 articles were amended in accordance with Presidential
Taiwan 1st Yi Order No. 6835 through the Office of the
President Gazette on 19th January 1982.
4. Articles 4~10, 12~14 were amended in accordance with
Presidential 1st Yi Order No. 8700215640 on 21st October
5. Article 4 was amended in accordance with Presidential 1st Yi
Order No. 8900011930 on 19th January 2000.
6. All 22 articles were amended in accordance with Presidential
1st Yi Order No. 8900301070 on 20th December 2000.
7. Article 13 was amended in accordance with Presidential 1st Yi
Order No. 09200019220 on 6th February 2003.
8. Article 13 was amended in accordance with Presidential 1st Yi
Order No. 09600088621 on 11th July 2007.
9. Article 13 was amended in accordance with Presidential 1st Yi
Order No. 10000246161 on 9th November 2011; date of coming
into force stipulated in item 5 of the amended article will
be determined by the central competent authority.
10. Articles 3 and 6 were amended in accordance with Presidential
1st Yi Order No. 10200225251 on 11th December 2013.
11. Articles 4、8 and 18 were amended in accordance with Presidential
1st Yi Order No. 10500040041 on 11th May 2016.
Article 1   The implementation of national sports serves to strengthen the physical fitness of citizens, nurture national morals, expound ethnic spirit and fulfill the lives of the general public.
Article 2   Citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) can, with respect to individual needs, actively participate in pertinent sporting activities, which are implemented based on families, schools, communities, agencies, associations and corporations. The activities serve to promote a balanced development and popularization of national sports.
Article 3   National sports are sporting events that provide beneficial effects, should be advocated and promoted,and the government marks September 9 of each year as National Sports Day.
All levels of government should enhance their efforts in the promotion of national fitness on National Sports Day.
All government agencies, civil associations, and corporations shall plan and promote national fitness activities for all employees in the organization on National Sports Day.
The public sports facilities of all levels of government shall be open for use by the public at no cost on National Sports Day. All levels of government shall also encourage other sports facilities to be open for use by the public at no cost on National Sports Day.
Article 4   The competent authority for this Act: the Ministry of Education in the central government; city governments in direct municipalities; county (city) governments in counties (cities).
Direct municipalities and county (city) governments should establish a dedicated department for sports; township (towns, cities, districts) offices should position dedicated sports personnel in charge of the planning, counseling and promoting events for national sporting events.
Article 5   All levels of government should broadly establish public sports facilities in order to popularize national sports; all affairs are to be supervised and evaluated by competent authority for sports administration.
Article 6   All government agencies and all levels of educational institutions should abide with national sports policies in accordance with pertinent regulations to actualize the promotion of sports events. Schools at high school levels and under and the first three years of five-year colleges shall provide time slots for the daily participation of sports activities, aside from sports classes, with weekly participation of over one hundred and fifty minutes, while students are on school premises.
The implementation measures governing the teaching methodologies, activities, training of athletes and other related affairs of the aforementioned item are determined by the Ministry of Education.
Article 7   Sports facilities of all levels of educational institutions should open to the public and provide access to community citizens for sporting activities, under the pretext that it does not affect the teaching and life management of schools. When necessary, users can be charged for their use of the facilities, with the income being utilized as maintenance and counseling personnel fees.
The management measures governing the opening hours, target audience, usage measures, standards of fees and other rules of the aforementioned sports facilities are determined by respective levels competent authority for education, with the exception of universities.
Article 8   Affairs of legally registered public welfare sports associations should be governed and periodically evaluated by respective competent authorities.
The above-mentioned affairs to be evaluated should include public participation planning.
All sports promotional activities should, in addition to regulations of said civic organizations, be governed by regulations and protocols of pertinent international sports organizations; to ensure the healthy operation of sports organizations, the central competent authority can formulate relevant measures.
Article 9   The organization, vision and mission of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (hereafter referred to as the CTOC) should be in accord with the Olympic Charter of the International Olympic Committee (hereafter referred to as the IOC), and shall observe the jurisdiction of the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Under the authorization of the central competent authority, the CTOC is a non-profit legal person, governed by civil laws and should be registered accordingly in its premise ’ s local court.
Fulfilling conditions as stipulated in the Olympic Charter, the CTOC, in conjunction with the central competent authority, is responsible for the following international affairs:
1. The participation of the Olympic Games, Asian Games, East Asian Games or any other IOC sanctioned multi-sports events.
2. The accreditation or approval of domestic sports federations in the application for membership in International Sports Federations.
3. Other international sports exchanges.
Pertaining to the aforementioned accreditation or approval affairs, the CTOC is responsible for formulating relevant measures with regards to the arbitration process of accreditation conditions, arbitration process for competition disputes or other matters of disagreement. The said measures are to be approved by the competent authority before implementation.
Article 10   All agencies, organizations and corporations and organizations should encourage leisure sports activities for their employees; for those units with more than 500 employees, one professional sports personnel should be employed to assist in the design and counseling of employee leisure sports activities.
All agencies, organizations and corporations and organizations that perform well based on aforementioned measures will be awarded; the measures governing the award targets, conditions, processes, methods and other related matters are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 11   The central competent authority should establish the advancement and examination system for professional sports personnel.
The scope of the aforementioned professional sports personnel are determined by the central competent authority; the determination of qualification, issuance of certificates, amendments, changes, examination and certification fees, repeal of certificates, annulment and other stipulations are determined by the measures formulated by the central competent authority.
Article 12   The budget needed for the implementation of national sports will be appropriated accordingly at all levels of government agencies and schools. The budget and donations to sports for corporations and organizations are granted to be listed as expenditures.
The budget for all levels of civic sports associations should be raised individually by respective associations; government subsidies will be on a case-by-case basis; the regulations governing the qualifications, conditions, processes, methods, standards, annulment or termination of subsidies and other related affairs are determined by respective levels of competent authorities.
Article 13   The government should establish a development system for outstanding athletes; its accompanying measures should be formulated by the central competent authority.
To develop outstanding athletes, schools below the senior high level should submit proposal to respective educational competent authority for approval before establishing sports classes; the measures governing the standards, number of students, entrance examinations, structuring of classes, course outlines, evaluations, annulments and other related affairs are determined by the Ministry of Education.
The said sports classes should have at least one full-time sports coach; for schools with at least two sports classes at every grade, there should be at least two full-time sports coaches.
All levels of schools with no sports classes can recruit a full-time sports coach for sports training or competition instruction.
Schools with affiliated sports classes (six classes as a unit) under direct municipalities or county (city) governments will be required to recruit an extra full-time coach to conduct sport training or competition instruction with respect to a designated sport or discipline assigned by the central competent authority; the said plan should be approved by the central competent authority; full subsidy is provided for plans with less than five coaches.
The appointment of full-time coaches should comply with stipulations of the Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators; their qualifications are determined by the central competent authority; their salaries, tasks, responsibilities, firing, termination, non-renewal, appeal, welfare, continuing education, performance appraisal, rewards/punishments, promotion and other rights are determined by the Ministry of Education.
Full-time coaches who complete their three year tenure will undergo evaluation by a dedicated performance review committee; those who fail will no longer have tenure. The retirement, compensation, quitting and termination affairs of full-time sports coaches will be handled in accordance with pertinent regulations for education personnel. The related measures governing the organization and evaluation of the performance review committee are determined by the Ministry of Education.
Prior to the amendment and implementation of this Act on 11th July 2007, the period of active and retirement tenure of previously qualified and hired full-time sports coaches by the Ministry of Education and provincial competent authority for education, should be integrated after the implementation of this Act.
Prior to the amendment and implementation of this Act on 6th ebruary 2003, full-time sports coaches who received qualifications through the Ministry of Education or all levels of government recruitment or training, and who didn ’ t have tenure after the implementation of this Act, should be counseled and managed according to measures determined by the central competent authority.
The implementation date as stipulated in item 5 of the amended sections on 24th October 2011 are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 14   Coaches who contribute to excellent performances of outstanding athletes and para-athletes in domestic or international sporting events, or individuals or associations that have special contributions to sports should be rewarded by the government; the targets, conditions, processes, methods, repeal, annulment, cancellation and other related affairs are determined by the central competent authority.
The said athletes and para-athletes with excellent performances should be assisted by the government in their employment; related measures are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 15   The government should encourage the research and development of sports science, and assist pertinent agencies, schools and associations in nurturing sports science talents; measures governing the reward conditions, methods, repeal, termination, and other related affairs are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 16   To facilitate international sports exchanges and enhance our country ’ s status in the international sports arena, the government should play an active role in promoting international sports exchanges; the measures governing the promotion methods, subsidy of funds and participation of international exchange activities are determined by the central competent authority.
Measures governing the selection, training and participation of coaches and athletes representing the country in international sporting events, as well as measures governing the handling of the overlap of athletes in various sporting events, are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 17   To ensure the health of athletes and promote fair play, the government should strengthen the education, promotion, counseling, prevention and treatment relating to anti-doping in sports; its accompanying measures are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 18   Sports associations should provide the necessary insurance for athletes of the national team. The insurance extent, coverage, contents,subsides and related affairs are determined by the central competent authority.
Disabilities or deaths of national team athletes due to joint training or competition should be compensated by the government; the measures governing the targets, conditions, standards, receiving rights, receiving order, loss of rights, application procedure, timeline and other related affairs are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 19   The government should encourage agencies, schools and associations in hosting sporting events.
The hosting of all kinds of national sporting events should in sync with the hosting of national multi-sport events or international competitions.
The standards governing the hosting of aforementioned sporting events are determined by the central competent authority, with the exception of the standards for the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games and the National High School Games, which are determined by the Ministry of Education.
Article 20   To improve national fitness and physique, the government should encourage the general public to participate in physical activities and implement fitness examinations; its accompanying measures are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 21   All bylaws of this Act are determined by the central competent authority.
Article 22   This Act will come into force as of the date of announcement.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System