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Title: Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education Ch
Date: 2016.05.25
Legislative: 1. Fourteen articles promulgated by Ministry of Education order
(80) Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 38100 on July 22, 1991.
2. Renamed (originally named: Regulations Governing the
Examination of University, Independent College and Junior
College Teachers) and revisions to all 16 articles
promulgated by Ministry of Education order (86) Tai-Tsan-Tzu
No. 86048477 on May 21, 1997.
3. Revisions to Articles 4, 5, and 12 promulgated by Ministry
of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0930030710A on March 10,
4. Revisions to all 42 articles promulgated by Ministry of
Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0950157954C on November 6,
2006; implemented from the date of announcement.
5. Revisions to Attached Table 3 "Foreign Degree or Diploma
Recognition Principles" in Article 20 promulgated by Ministry
of Education orderTai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0960133976C on September
17, 2007.
6. Revisions to Article 18 promulgated by Ministry of Education
order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0970073401C on May 21, 2008.
7. Revisions to Articles 11, 12, 15, 18-22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33,
36, 37 and attached tables 1-4 promulgated by Ministry of
Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0970262456C on January 14,
8. Revisions to Articles 11, 15, 24, 32, 37 promulgated by
Ministry of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0990198768C on
November 24, 2010.
9. revisions to all 48 articles promulgated by Ministry of
Education order Tai-Jiao-Kao-Wu-Tzu No. 1050053023A on
May 25, 2016; implemented from February 1, 2017.
Chapter 1   Requisites for Submission of Qualifications
Article 1   This Guidelines are stipulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 Paragraph 4 specified in the Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and the provisions of Article 10 specified in the Techers’ Act.
Article 2   Where any of the following conditions applies, a teacher may apply for qualifications screening.
1. The applicant is appointed and actually teaching in the school. But, if a school is approved and its students of the first academic year have not yet enrolled, the applicant who has been appointed by the school and actually reported for duty may apply for screening in advance.
2. The applicant is part-time teacher, has a letter of appointment, and has an official teaching load of one semester credit hour. An in-person instructing teacher who is working part-time has an official teaching load of two semester credit hours at a national and/or special municipal open university, specialized subject department affiliated to an open university, open college, or open junior college.
3. A teacher receiving his/her school’s approval for leave with pay or without pay is returning to the school to tech voluntarily and his/her teaching load is in conformity to the semester credit hour(s) specified in the preceding Subparagraph
In an application specified in the preceding Paragraph, the teacher should conduct the application through the school he/she is serving full time and may be approved by a Teacher Evaluation Committee at school level (hereinafter referred to as the “TEC”) of the original school for deployment on assignment to another school. If he/her does not work for full time at any schools, then he/she may conduct the application through the school he/she is working part-time.
A teacher who is undertaking full-time advanced studies, researches, or lecturing abroad should not submit the application for screening if he/she did not give lessons in the semester when he/she applies for the screening to the lowest-level TEC of the school.
Article 3   The determination of seniority accrued and calculations of a teacher’s teaching jobs specified in the provisions from Article 16 to Article 18 of this Guidelines is as follows:
1. If a teacher has accrued seniority for a certain employment grade, the seniority of the teacher should be counted starting from the date specified in his/her Teacher’s Certificate of the employment grade. But, if the starting date for counting seniority specified in the teacher’s rank certification is later than that of Teacher’s Certificate, the teacher’s seniority should be counted starting from the date specified in the teacher’s rank certification.
2. When a full-time teacher applies for promotion, the teacher’s seniority during the period of undertaking full-time advanced studies, researches, or scholarly exchange should be counted for a maximum of one year. When a teacher is approved for deployment on assignment and has returned to the original school to teach voluntarily during the period of the deployment on assignment, the teacher’s seniority during the period should be counted for a maximum of two years.
If a teacher whose condition is specified in the Subparagraph 1 of the preceding Paragraph and his/her seniority for a full-time teacher at a foreign school may be duly taken into account in the calculations of seniority when submitting for qualifications screening, the foreign school should meet one of the following requirements:
1. The school should be one of the school listed in the Reference List of Foreign Universities (hereinafter referred to as the “Reference List”) published by the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Ministry”). If the school is not listed in the Reference List, it should be approved by the Ministry.
2. The school should be one of the school listed in the Approved List of Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao Universities (hereinafter referred to as the “Approved List”).
The seniority of research works, professional jobs or positions specified in the provisions from Article 16 to Article 18 of the Guidelines should be calculated starting from the date specified in the official Service Certificate issued by the agency (institution) of service, while the school should determine the teacher’s eligibility in accordance with relevant provisions prescribed in the Enforcement Rules of this Guidelines.
Article 4   The incumbent civil servants who have obtained the Teaching Assistant Certificate or Lecturer Certificate issued by the Ministry before the amendments to this Guidelines having taken effect on March 21, 1997, and have continued to teach without being interrupted may apply for qualifications screening for teaching at higher employment grade in accordance with the provisions before the amendments to the original guidelines for promotions having taken effect. But the procedure of screening should still follow the provisions of this Guidelines.
Article 5   The teaching continuity prescribed in the preceding Article should comply with one of the provisions specified in the following Subparagraphs:
1. Full-time teachers: The teachers should have an actual official teaching load for each semester. But, if a teacher receiving the school’s approval for leave with pay or without pay; therefore, he/she is not actually teaching, the teacher is not subject to the conditions.
2. Part-time teachers: The teachers should continue to obtain a letter of appointment each semester, and has an official teaching load of at least one semester credit hour for each semester.
3. In-person instructing teachers who are working part-time at a national and/or special municipal open university, specialized subject department affiliated to an open university, open college, or open junior college, should have an official teaching load of at least two semester credit hours for each semester.
4. Full-time teaching assistants: The assistants should obtain a letter of appointment each academic year and should assist in teaching and research.
Chapter 2   Submission of Relevant Documents
Article 6   Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening for Lecturer according to the provisions of Article 16 of this Guidelines should fill out a Teacher Qualification Resume and hand in the following documents:
  1. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines: Master's or the equivalent degree certificate and transcripts.
  2. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16 Subparagraph 2 or Subparagraph 3 of this Guidelines: Bachelor’s degree certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
Article 7   Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening for Lecturer according to the provisions of Article 30-1 of this Guidelines should fill out a Teacher Qualification Resume and hand in the following documents:
1. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines before the amendments to this Guidelines having taken effect on March 21, 1997: Master's or the equivalent degree certificate, Teaching Assistant Certificate, relevant seniority of service, and transcripts.
2. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16 Subparagraph 2 of this Guidelines before the amendments to this Guidelines having taken effect on March 21, 1997: Bachelor’s degree certificate, Teaching Assistant Certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
Article 8   Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening for Assistant Professor according to the provisions of Article 16-1 of this Guidelines should fill out a Teacher Qualification Resume and hand in the following documents:
1. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16-1 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines: Doctoral or the equivalent degree certificate, transcripts, and academic works.
2. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16-1 Subparagraph 2 of this Guidelines: Master’s or the equivalent degree certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
3. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16-1 Subparagraph 3 of this Guidelines: Bachelor’s degree certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
4. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 16-1 Subparagraph 4 of this Guidelines: Lecturer’s Certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
Article 9   Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening for Associate Professor according to the provisions of Article 17 of this Guidelines should fill out a Teacher Qualification Resume and hand in the following documents:
1. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 17 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines: Doctoral or the equivalent degree certificate, relevant seniority of service, and academic works.
2. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 17 Subparagraph 2 of this Guidelines: Assistant Professor Certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
Article 10   Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening for Associate Professor according to the provisions of Article 30-1 of this Guidelines should fill out a Teacher Qualification Resume and hand in the following documents:
1. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 17 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines before the amendments to this Guidelines having taken effect on March 21, 1997: Doctoral or the equivalent degree certificate, Teaching Assistant Certificate, relevant seniority of service, and academic works.
2. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 17 Subparagraph 2 of this Guidelines before the amendments to this Guidelines having taken effect on March 21, 1997: Master’s degree certificate, Teaching Assistant Certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
3. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 17 Subparagraph 3 of this Guidelines before the amendments to this Guidelines having taken effect on March 21, 1997: Lecturer Certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and academic works.
Article 11   Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening for Professor according to the provisions of Article 18 of this Guidelines should fill out a Teacher Qualification Resume and hand in the following documents:
1. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 18 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines: Doctoral or the equivalent degree certificate, relevant seniority of service, proofs of creative works and/or invention that have important academic contributions, or important academic works.
2. Applicants who apply for the qualifications screening according to the provisions of Article 18 Subparagraph 2 of this Guidelines: Associate Professor Certificate, relevant seniority of service, transcripts, and important academic works
Article 12   The superior academic performance specified in the provisions from Article 16 to Article 18 of this Guidelines, in addition to transcripts, may also be replaced or supplemented by other personal relevant supporting documentation about academic, professional achievements or materials.
Chapter 3   Category of Submission
Article 13   A teacher may apply for qualifications screening by submitting, according to his/her areas of expertise, academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, technical reports, etc., specified in the provisions of Article 14 Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 of this Guidelines to demonstrate his/her research or research and development achievements in contributions to theories or practices (including teaching) in a specialized field.
Article 14   A teacher may submit his/her academic works for qualifications screening if the teacher’s research achievements have specific contributions to any academic fields.
Article 15   Teachers in the discipline of applied science and technology may submit technical reports for qualifications screening, if the teacher has specific research and development achievements and the achievements have contributed to innovation, improvement, or extended applications in theories and practices of a specific technology. The screening scope and benchmarks are listed in Attachment 1.
Article 16   A teacher may submit technical reports for qualifications screening, if the teacher’s specific research and development achievements have contributed to innovation, improvement, or extended applications in any academic programs, teaching materials, teaching methods, teaching aids, applications of scientific and technological media, and assessment tools, while the achievements can effectively enhance students’ learning effectiveness, or have important contributions to promotion on- and off-campus. The screening scope and benchmarks are listed in Attachment 2
Article 17   A teacher in the discipline of arts may submit creative works and proofs of merit, supplemented by creative work or performance reports, for qualifications screening, if the teacher has produced and continued to produce unique works, and has important and specific contributions in an academic field. The disciplines in this category range from fine art, music, dance, folk art, theater, film, design, to other branch of art study. The screening scope and benchmarks are listed in Attachment 3.
Article 18   If a teacher in the discipline of physical education him/herself or any athletes coached by the teacher participated in important domestic and international sports tournaments and obtained any positions in a ranking of names, the teacher may submit proofs of merit, supplemented by reports of competition practices, for qualifications screening. The screening scope and benchmarks are listed in Attachment 4.
Article 19   If an applicant submits an academic degree for qualifications screening in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 Subparagraph 1, Article 7 Subparagraph 1, Article 8 Subparagraph 1, and Article 10 Subparagraph 1 of this Guidelines, the applicant may substitute graduate thesis, creative works, performances, or written reports (hereinafter referred to as “the Thesis”) for academic works to apply for qualification screening.
Article 20   If a teacher has academically outstanding achievements and apply for qualification screening pursuant to Article 19 of the Guidelines, his/her school should follow the provisions of this Guidelines to forward the teacher’s academic works to extra-institution scholars and experts specialized in the field for examination, and upon the initial approval by the school, forward the academic works together with supporting documents on the teacher’s outstanding contribution to the academic to the Ministry for final approval by the Ministry.
Chapter 4   Submission of Academic Works and Backgrounds
Article 21   The academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, and technical reports specified in the provisions of Article 14 Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 of this Guidelines should meet the following requirements:
1. Applicant’s works for qualifications screening should be original, and should not be just a compiled product of rearranging, adding to or deleting from, compiling, and editing other persons’ works or other non-research results.
2. If the works are written in a language other than in Chinese, the applicant should attach an abstract written in Chinese to each work for qualification screening. If the works are written in a foreign language other than in English, the abstracts may be written in English instead. If no eligible reviewers who are proficient in the foreign language available in the country, the school may require a complete translation of the works into either Chinese or English.
3. Applicant should select up to five works, one of them to be the representative work, and the rest for supporting purpose. If the works belong to a series of relevant research, the works may be merged into one representative work. If a representative work has been submit for qualifications screening before, the work should not be a representative work again in an application for promotion.
4. The works were published after the applicant qualified for his/her last rank. After the applicant’s seniority of full-time teacher accrued when teaching abroad has been taken into account, the applicant’s academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports that submitted for qualifications screening may be merged and taken into account.
The academic works specified in the provision of the preceding Paragraph should comply with one of the provisions specified in the following Subparagraphs:
1. Monographs published, or to be published in the future certified by the publishing agency.
2. Journal articles published in domestic and foreign scholarly journals or trade journals, or e-journals that have official peer-review procedure and may make public and use of, or promised to be published at set dates certified by the publishers of the relevant journals.
3. Publications published in conferences that have official peer-review procedure and services of bundling academic papers and publishing proceedings in the form of book, CD, or online.
An applicant submits works, proofs of merit, or technical reports for qualifications screening should publish his/her academic works pursuant to the provisions of this Guidelines. Contents of academic works that involve confidential information, application for a patent, or information that may not be unlawfully disclosed, upon being determined by the school, should not be published or not be published within a certain period.
Article 22   The representative work specified in the provisions of the preceding Article Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3 of this Guidelines should meet the following requirements:
1. The nature of the representative work should be relevant to the subjects taught by the applicant.
2. The representative work should be not part of the Thesis. If the Thesis has not been submitted for qualification screening before, or the representative work is part of continued research of the Thesis, upon the applicant’s explanation on his/her own initiative and professional review that indicates the work has a considerable degree of innovation, the representative work is not subject to the conditions.
If the works do not meet any one of the requirements specified in the provisions of the preceding Paragraph Subparagraphs of the Guidelines, the applicant’s qualifications should not be passed in the screening.
Article 23   If a representative work specified in the provisions of Article 21 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3 of this Guidelines is a co-authored work by multiple persons, only one person may submit the work for qualifications screening. The other persons should abandon the right to submit the academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports as representative works for qualifications screening. The applicant should specify in writing in what part of the work he/she has participated and should obtain the other co-author’s signature certificates. But the above does not apply to one of the following circumstances:
1. The applicant is an academician of Academia Sinica, who is exempt from submitting co-author’s signature certificate.
2. If the applicant is the first author or the corresponding author, he/she is exempt from submitting co-author’s signature certificate for foreign non-first authorship or non-corresponding authorship.
If a co-author specified in the provisions of the preceding Paragraph for some reason cannot provide his/her co-author’s signature certificate, the applicant should specify in writing his/her part of participation and the reason(s) for being not able to obtain the signature certificate. Upon approval by the school’s TEC, the applicant is exempt from providing the signature attachment.
Article 24   If the representative work is similar in name and contents to a representative work that has been submitted for qualifications screening before, the applicant should provide comparisons of differences and similarities of the two representative works. The same should apply, if there is any changes in name and contents.
Article 25   If the applicant submits a journal article that is certified to be published at a set date in a domestic or foreign scholarly journal or a trade journal for qualifications screening, the applicant’s representative work should be published within one year starting from the date the journal issued its acceptant certificate, and the applicant should hand the academic work to the school for checking and filing within two month after the work was published. If the work failed to publish within one year for reasons not attributable to the applicant, the applicant should provide explanations and the certified date of publication and apply to the school for an extension before the expiration date. Upon approval by the school’ TEC, the extension takes effect. The extended time is subject to the limit of three year starting from the date that the journal issued its acceptant certificate.
The works specified in the provisions of the preceding Paragraph should not be submitted for next qualification screening.
If a representative author who failed to publish his/her works within prescribed period and to hand in the publication, the school should reject his/her application and report to the Ministry. If the teacher’s qualifications is still under the Ministry’s screening, the Ministry should reject the application. If the teacher’s qualifications have been certified and the teacher has been issued a Teacher’s Certificate, the Ministry should abolish the teacher’s qualifications and should recover or cancel his/her Teacher’s Certificate of the relevant rank.
Article 26   If an applicant submits foreign academic degree or diploma for qualifications screening, the recognition of admission requirements, school of graduation, academic program, duration of study, and non-recognition situations of the applicant’s degree or diploma is mutatis mutandis subject to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education, the Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Schools in Mainland China, the Academic Credential Verification and Accreditation Methods Adopted in Hong Kong and Macao, or the Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Junior Colleges (hereinafter collectively referred to the Recognition Regulations). But if the applicant has accomplished more than two-thirds of duration limits specified in the Recognition Regulations during his/her duration of study, and his/her thesis, academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports, have been approved by the school’s preliminary screening and the Ministry’s final screening, the above conditions should not apply.
If a school is one of the Paragraph Self-screening Schools (including partially authorized Self-screening Schools), the school should be responsible for the final screening specified in the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.
Article 27   Foreign academic degrees or diplomas should be recognized by the school after being verified (by examination and recognition) by the school in accordance with the Recognition Regulations. However, for foreign schools, Hong Kong or Macao schools, because their names and relevant academic standards have been announced by the Ministry, their degrees and diplomas can be authenticated instead of being verified (examination and recognition).
If the names and attributes of the foreign schools’ educational system, degrees, or diplomas are different from those of our country, except that the provisions of the preceding Article apply, mutatis mutandis, the Ministry should announce the principles of recognition of the schools.
If the school has any doubtful points about the recognition of an applicant’s foreign degree or diploma, the school should consult with our embassies, representative offices (hereinafter referred to as the Overseas Missions), or relevant agencies to verify in accordance with the provisions specified in the Recognition Regulations, and after this, forward the case to the TEC at school level for final recognition.
If any foreign schools, degrees and diplomas that have not been listed in the announcement by the Ministry according to the provisions specified in the Paragraph 1 and 2, the school should address the issues with a letter to the Overseas Missions or the relevant agencies for verification, and after this, forward the case to the Ministry for determination. If necessary, the Ministry may conduct a screening and recognition of the Thesis, academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, and technical reports.
Article 28   If a provisional degree certificate officially issued by the home school is submitted for qualifications screening, upon verification by the school applying for qualifications screening, the applying school may submit the provisional degree certificate for qualifications screening according to the time, recorded in writing, the obtained degree being actually recognized. But after obtaining formal degree certificate, the applicant should submit it to the school for checking, making a photocopy, and filing it within one month. If the date of graduation recorded in the degree certificate is different from that of provisional degree certificate, the date recorded in formal degree certificate prevails.
If an applicant who failed to submit the degree certificate in accordance with the provision specified in the preceding Paragraph, the school should reject his/her application and report to the Ministry. If the teacher’s qualifications are still under the Ministry’s screening, the Ministry should reject the application. If the teacher’s qualifications have been certified and the teacher has been issued a Teacher’s Certificate, the Ministry should abolish the teacher’s qualifications and should recover or cancel his/her Teacher’s Certificate of the relevant rank.
Chapter 5    Screening Procedure
Article 29   A school should conduct a preliminary qualification screening, and the Ministry handles the final qualifications screening. If the school is a Self-screening School (including one of partially authorized Self-screening Schools), the Ministry authorizes the school to conduct the final qualifications screening.
Article 30   A school should draw up a teacher’s goal of professional development, the multiple systems for teachers’ promotion, and incorporate the systems into the school’s relevant rules and regulations.
A school should be aimed at introducing the regulations of the teaching, research, services and coaching, stipulating definite assessment, review procedures, decision-making, dealing with doubtful points, mechanisms for appealing and remedy, etc., of its preliminary qualification screening operation and incorporating the systems into the school’s rules and regulations and announce them.
A school should take into account both the quality and quantity of academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, and technical reports submitted for qualifications screening; establish an extra-institution screening procedures that meet the standards of professional assessment; decision-making procedures for selecting extra-institution reviewers; principle of avoiding; screening approaches; and assessment benchmarks, and then based on these, select and engage extra-institution scholars and experts in the fields of expertise as reviewers. Unless the TEC can propose specific, well-founded academic explanations that can shake the credibility and accuracy of the extra-institution reviewers’ professional review of research achievement, the TEC should respect the reviewers’ judgment, and should not depend solely on majority vote.
Article 31   The Guidelines provide for the Ministry’s operation for final qualifications screening as follows:
1. For a degree or diploma submitted for qualifications screening, an applicant’s documentary proofs of academic and professional qualifications are handled pursuant to the Act, the Guidelines, and other relevant provisions. If recognition of a degree has any doubtful points, or the qualifications screening conducted by the school failed to materialize, the Ministry may re-determine the qualifications screening. If necessary, the Ministry may conduct again the qualifications screening of academic works, creative works, proofs or merit, and technical reports.
2. For academic works submitted for qualifications screening, after identifying the works’ classification of academic disciplines, the Ministry engages scholars and experts recommended by advisers in the field to conduct qualifications screening.
3. For creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports submitted for qualifications screening, after identifying the works’ classification of fields or disciplines, the Ministry engages teachers who have practical experience or experts who are experienced practitioners and have teacher’s qualifications, recommended by advisers who have practical experience in the field, to carry out qualifications screening.
The Ministry may entrust extra-institution screening of academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports to a school, professional academic institutions or bodies (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Screening Institution”) that has a sound checking system.
Article 32   When the Ministry conducts the final qualifications screening, the Ministry is responsible for announcing screening items and benchmarks of academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports.
Article 33   For cases that an applicant submits academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports for qualification screening, the Ministry is responsible for assigning three reviewers, including scholars and experts, to carry out the qualifications screening. A reviewer with lower level academic attainments should be not eligible to conduct qualification screening of an applicant with higher level attainments.
Article 34   When the Ministry conducts the qualifications screening, the passing score for an applicant’s qualifications screening of academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports is 70; a score lower than 70 indicates the applicant failed the screening.
If an applicant’s school takes the scores of teaching, services, and coaching into account, the applicant’s bottom-line score for being passed is calculated by converting the passing score 70 specified in the provision of the preceding Paragraph and the scores and ratios of teaching, services, and coaching reported by the school. After conversion, however, if the bottom line score for being passed is lower than 65, then 65 becomes a new passing score.
The conversion of bottom line score for passing specified in the previsions of the preceding Paragraph is determined as follows: Set the highest score of overall assessment to 100. Teaching, services, and coaching constitute within 20% to 30% of the score of overall assessment, depending on the school’s regulations. A school may take the differences among full-time teacher, part-time teacher, and new recruit in to consideration and specify the conditions in the school’s regulations.
Article 35   When the Ministry conducts the final qualifications screening, the screening result of submissions of academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports is a success if two reviewers gave passing grades.  
An applicant’s academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports, after qualifications screening or being finalized, were found having doubtful points, the Ministry assigns additional, up to three, scholars and experts to conduct screening, and after this, the Ministry combines both results and finalizes the qualifications screening.
Article 36   For a teacher’s qualifications screening, the Ministry should finalize the screening within four month starting from the date that the relevant documentation has been received, and in case of summer and winter holidays, the procedure may be deferred. However, if the case is complex, a suspected case of plagiarism, or difficult to carry it out, the duration of screening may be extended and the applicant should be notified.
When conducting final qualifications screening, in case of need for additional documentation or explanations, the school should deliver the documentation and provide explanation within one month starting from the date that the Ministry’s notice was received. If the additional documentation or explanations were not received before the deadline, or the provisions specified in Article 14, 18, 20, or 21 were not complied, the case is inadmissible, and its originals will be returned. But due to special circumstances, the Ministry has approved an extension, and therefore, this is not subject to the conditions.
Before final qualification screening procedure is complete by the Ministry, the applicant should not reapply for qualifications screening of the same rank.
Article 37   After qualification screening is completed, the Ministry should reply in writing to the school of the screening results, and the school should notify in writing the applicant of the screening results within 14 days starting from the date of receiving the letter.
Article 38   After final qualifications screening is completed, the Ministry should select an appropriate location to make public and hold in safekeeping the applicant’s reviewed academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports. After final qualifications screening is completed by a school authorized by the Ministry to conduct self-screening and no conditions of the proviso specified in Article 21 Paragraph 3 being applied, the school should make pubic and hold in safekeeping the works in the school library.
Article 39   The school’s and the Ministry’s screening processes, reviewers, and assessments and views, and other relevant materials should be kept confidential in order to maintain the impartiality of the screening. However, the following circumstances are not subject to the conditions:
1. The screening processes, and assessments and views may be provided to the applicant, appeal dealing agency, and other remedy agencies.
2. The assessments and views of an unsatisfactory case may be provided to the applicant.
If an applicant him/herself, or making a canvass through others, has lobbied illegally, resorted to enticing and threatening, or interfered in any way with any reviewers or screening procedures to a serious extent, the procedures of the applicant’s qualifications screening should be stopped immediately and notify the applicant. And within two years from the date of notice, the applicant’s application for qualifications screening should be inadmissible.
Article 40   The Ministry may authorize a school to conduct final self-screening for part or all of a teacher’s qualifications. The Ministry is responsible for announcing the authorization basis, scope, operational guidelines, and seniority determination of a Teacher’s Certificate of the self-screening.
A self-screening school may make its own regulations for following items, to which the Guideline are not applicable:
1. Article 15 and 16 about the screening benchmarks for technical reports.
2. Article 17 about creative works and proofs of merit, except for Attachment 3, including screening scope, type, documentation, and screening benchmarks.
3. Article 21 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3 about the number of works to be submitted, and Paragraph 2 about publication of academic works.
4. For full-time professors have been with foreign universities, or universities in Hong Kong and Macao, which comply with the provisions specified in the Recognition Regulations, and meet the following qualifications, another procedure for screening qualifications of teachers and academic works should be formulated. Their qualifications are as follows:
(1) A Nobel laureate or an equivalent.
(2) An academician of a national research institution.
(3) A fellow of an important international learned society.
(4) An outstanding achiever in an academic or professional field with qualifications equivalent to those of people specified in the preceding three Items
A Self-screening School (including one of partially authorized Self-screening Schools) may formulate its own more stringent screening procedures and benchmarks.
Article 41   A teacher should receive a Teacher’s Certificate of the same rank that he/she is applying for after a successful teacher’s qualifications screening.
The Ministry is responsible for finalizing the format of the Teacher’s Certificate.
Article 42   The starting date for the seniority of a Teacher’s Certificate is determined as follows:
1. A newly appointed teacher should report to the Ministry and apply for final qualifications screening within three months after being legally employed in accordance with the law. If the screening is successful, his/her seniority starts to accrue from the date registered in letter of appointment.
2. A teacher should report to the Ministry and apply for final qualifications screening within three months after a new semester commenced. If the screening is successful, his/her seniority starts to accrue from the beginning date of the semester.
3. For a teacher failed to report to the Ministry by the deadline specified in the provisions of the preceding two Subparagraph, and his/her screening is successful, the seniority starts to accrue from the date when he/she reported to and applied for qualifications screening to the Ministry. But due to special circumstances, or newly recruited teachers with foreign degree or diploma failed to complete the verification within three months of date of hire in accordance with Article 27 and Article 28, the school should report to the Ministry and apply for an extension to complete the qualifications screening, and upon validated by the Ministry, his/her seniority may start to accrue in accordance with the provisions specified in the two preceding Subparagraphs.
4. If a teacher, who has been with a Self-screening School (including one of partially authorized Self-screening Schools), applying for promotion, has reported to the Ministry during current semester of an academic year, his/her seniority starts to accrue from the beginning date of the semester. But for a teacher, who has been with a Self-screening School (including one of partially authorized Self-screening Schools), his/her promotion was approved by the TEC at the lowest level later than the beginning date of the semester and was reported to the Ministry during the semester, the seniority of the Teacher’s Certificate starts to accrue from the date the promotion was approved by the TEC at the lowest level.
A teacher applying for promotion, who failed qualifications screening, but appealed for remedy, and became successful after re-screening, his/her seniority may be determined in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph Subparagraph 2 and 4.
Chapter 6   Supplementary Provisions
Article 43   During the period the Ministry is dealing with a qualifications screening case, the applicant was reported or found involved in one of the following circumstances, upon deliberation and being determined by the Ministry, the qualification screening should not be passed. From the date the decision was made, depending on the durations specified in the provisions of various Subparagraphs, his/her application for teacher’s qualifications screening should be inadmissible; if the inadmissible period is longer than five years, the Ministry should notify the case to various universities and colleges by sending a carbon copy of the case.
1. False information found in resume for teacher’s qualifications screening or co-author’s signature certificate; not truthfully included the co-author(s) in the representative works or no co-author’s certificates being handed in; inappropriate citation; repeat publication unauthorized materials; no indication of contents that included published results; or other violations of academic ethics: One up to five years.
2. Plagiarisms, forgeries, altered works, or frauds in the writings, creative works, performances, and technical reports are found: Five up to seven years.
3. Educational and professional background certificates, proofs of merit, proofs of publishing academic works at set dates, and co-author certificates are proved to be forged or altered, or the applicant have used illegal or improper means to influence the paper's review: Seven up to ten years.
The Ministry is responsible for prescribing the screening operation and assessment benchmarks specified in the provisions of the preceding Subparagraphs.
If a teacher’s qualifications, after completing screening, have been reported an offense or found involving in one of the conditions specified in various provisions of Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs and have been determined after going through deliberation, the case should be handled according to the following manner:
1. For Teacher’s Certificate issued after qualifications screening, the teacher’s qualifications from this rank up should be revoked and the Teacher’s Certificate should be recovered, and the teacher’s application for qualifications screening should be inadmissible during the period specified in the provisions of Paragraph 1.
2. For unsatisfactory cases of teacher’s qualifications screening, the teacher’s application for qualifications screening should be inadmissible during the period specified in the provisions of Paragraph 1.
Before the school reported to the Ministry for final qualifications screening, or after the Ministry had finalized the qualifications screening, if an applicant has been reported an offense or found involving in one of the conditions specified in various provisions of Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs, the school should report to the Ministry the conditions that have been determined and recommend the punishments for deliberation.
If an applicant, who has been with a Self-screening School (including one of partially authorized Self-screening Schools), during submitting application for qualifications screening, or after the qualifications screening was finalized, has been reported an offense or found involving in one of the conditions specified in various provisions of Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs, the case should, mutatis mutandis, be handled pursuant to the provisions specified in Paragraph 1 to 3, and the teacher’s application for qualifications screening should be inadmissible during the period specified in the provisions of Paragraph 1. If the case is determined after going through deliberation, the school should report to the Ministry the deliberation procedures and the results of punishment for future reference.
If an applicant has been reported an offense or found involving in one of the conditions specified in various provisions of Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs, the applicant should not apply for withdrawing from the qualification screening, and still follow the procedures.
Article 44   The Ministry, after deciding that the teacher’s application for qualifications screening should be inadmissible, should inform the school to handle the case in accordance with this Guidelines, Techers’ Act, and other relevant regulations.
Article 45   After a teacher filed complaints to appeal dealing agency, or other remedy agencies, asking for handling the case in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, if the school still refused to deal with the case, the same appeal dealing agency that received the teacher’s complaints, or the remedy agency, has decided that the school is illegal again, a higher level TEC may re-investigate the case. If the TEC at school level failed to follow relevant laws and regulations to handle the case, the Ministry should order the school to improve within a time limit. If the school failed to make improvement, the Ministry may deal with the school pursuant to Article 46 Paragraph 2, and the school should formulate other legitimate treatment mechanism and incorporating it into school rules and regulations and announce the mechanism.
For a school teacher, if the same case has been filed complaints by the same teacher, or a remedy agency has decided illegal, more than twice, the teacher may apply to the Ministry for an Entrusted Screening. After determining that it is necessary, the Ministry may appoint an Entrusted Screening Institution to conduct the qualifications screening of academic works, creative works, proofs of merit, or technical reports to replace the school’s extra-institution screening procedures.
Article 46   The Ministry may regularly assess a school’s performance in managing teacher’s qualifications screening.
If a school failed to carry out qualifications screening according to the relevant provisions, or failed to make improvement within a time limit specified in the provisions of the preceding Article Paragraph 1, these events should be incorporated into school assessment as the bases for the deduction of reward (subsidy) and for holding relevant personnel responsible.
If a Self-screening School (including one of partially authorized Self-screening Schools) has occurred the conditions specified in the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, and failed to make improvement within a time limit, the Ministry may revoke part of or all of the authorization of self-screening teacher’s qualifications and announce the decision.
Article 47   Where a teacher has passed teacher’s qualifications screening by his/her school’ TEC at the lowest level before the effective implementation of the amendments of this Guidelines on February 1, 2017, the provisions before the amendments should be applicable.
Article 48   This Guidelines should take effect on February 1, 2017.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System