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Title: Regulations Governing the Promotion and Subsidies of International Sports Exchange Ch
Date: 2018.04.11
Legislative: 1.Executive Yuan Sports Affairs Council, Order (90) Tai-Ti-Wei-Kuo-Tzu No. 017408 on promulgation of full text of Article 23, Oct 13, 2001; to take effect from the day of promulgation.

2.Executive Yuan Sports Affairs Council, Order (90) Ti-Wei-Kuo-Tzu No. 0910018029 on revision and promulgation of Articles 16, 17, Oct 18, 2002

3.Executive Yuan Sports Affairs Council, Order Ti-Wei-Kuo-Tzu No. 09800074841 on revision and promulgation of name and full text of Article 16, April 13, 2009; to take effect from the day of promulgation.

4.xecutive Yuan Yuan-Tai-Gui-Kui-Tzu No. 1010154558 Announcement issued on December 25, 2012 transfers all powers and responsibilities of the “Executive Yuan Sports Affairs Council” detailed in Paragraph 1 Article 1, Article 3, Article 4, Article 5 preface, subparagraph 1, paragraph 1 Article 6, Article 10, table 1 paragraph 1 Article 10, paragraph 1 , subparagraph 3 paragraph 2 Article 11, Article 12, Article 14, tables 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 Article 15, to the “Ministry of Education” as of January 1, 2013.

5.Ministry of Education Order Tai-Chiao-Shou-Ti-Bu-Tzu No. 1030027403B on revision and promulgation of the name and full text of Article 18, Sept. 12, 2014; to take effect from the day of promulgation.

5.Ministry of Education Order Tai-Chiao-Shou-Ti-Bu-Tzu No. 1070011723B on revision and promulgation of full text of Article 18, April 11, 2018; to take effect from the day of promulgation.
Content: Article 1 The Regulations have been formulated in accordance with Article 13 of the National Sports Act.

Article 2
Sports associations in the Regulations refers to associations by Article 3 of the National Sports Act and associations recognized by the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (hereinafter: CTOC).

Article 3
The scope of international sports exchange activities promoted by the Regulations includes:
1. Signing sports exchange cooperation agreements with foreign governments by governments at all levels.
2. Signing sports exchange cooperation agreements with foreign sports organizations by sports associations.
3. Serving by ROC nationals in positions in international sports organizations.
4. Establishing of headquarters or affiliates of international sports organizations in the Republic of China (Taiwan) at which ROC nationals serve in leading positions. 
5. Hosting international single-sport competitions by sports associations, special municipality and county (city) government (hereinafter: international competitions).
6. Hosting or attending international sports conferences by sports associations, special municipality and county (city) government or schools.
7. Inviting presidents or secretary-generals of international or foreign sports organizations to visit the Republic of China (Taiwan) by sports associations.
8. Attending international sport competitions by sports teams of schools at all levels.
9. International sports exchange activities promoted in line with national sports policies.
10. Other international sports exchange matters.

Article 4
ROC nationals serving in positions of international sports organizations stipulated in Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1, Article 3 shall act in accordance with the following matters:
1. Actively participate in each organization’s conferences and events. 
2. Assist ROC national teams to participate in international games or conferences.
3. Assist sports associations to strive for the hosting right of international games.

Article 5
ROC nationals serving in positions stipulated in Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1, Article 3 may, represented by relevant sports associations, apply to the central competent authority for subsidies, submitting documentary proof and information. 
Subsidies stipulated in the Paragraph 1 include accommodation fees, travel expenses abroad, insurance and overseas travel certificate fees.

Article 6
ROC nationals serving in positions stipulated in Subparagraph 4, Paragraph 1, Article 3 may, be represented by relevant national sports associations, apply to the central competent authority for subsidies, submitting documentary proof and information.
Subsidies stipulated in the aforementioned Paragraph 1 include postal fees, stationery, printing costs, public relations expenses and domestic and foreign travel expenses.

Article 7
Hosting or attending international games or conferences stipulated in Subparagraphs 5 and 6, Paragraph 1, Article 3 by national sports associations, governments at all levels and schools, except for compliance with each international sports organizations’ rules, shall be conducted in accordance with the following matters:
1. Use the country name, national flag and national anthem, except when the name, flag and anthem have been approved by the Ministry of Education and registered with international sports organizations.
2. Participants under the name of Chinese Taipei shall be placed in alphabetical order by the letter T in English or other languages as abbreviation for TPE in the opening ceremony.
Sports associations, governments and schools at all levels shall negotiate the matters of the aforementioned Paragraph 1 with the host unit beforehand; and CTOC shall actively assist and guide.

Article 8
When sports associations, governments and schools at all levels host or attend international sports competitions or conferences stipulated in Subparagraphs 5 and 6, Paragraph 1, Article 3, in the Republic of China (Taiwan) territory, should there be participants from Mainland area, the entry and exit and exchange activities of such people shall be conducted in accordance with the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, Regulations Governing Permit of People of Mainland Area Entry into Taiwan Area, Article 7 above, and other laws and regulations.

Article 9
Sports associations and governments of special municipalities and counties (cities) that host international competitions stipulated in Subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1, Article 3 can apply to the central competent authority for subsidies, submitting a plan; those that apply to international sports organizations for competition hosting rights and report to the competent authority at the same time and receive approval will have priority for subsidy.

The plan should include, at least:
1. Scale of the venue and facilities and supporting conditions.
2. Assessment of audience participation.
3. Competitiveness of each participating team (home team).
4. Security measure for participants.
5. Arrangement of agenda and content of activities.
6. Administrative management, staffing and financial planning (including the ability to raise funds on its own) of the hosting party.
7. Assistance provided by competent authorities of municipalities or cities (counties) where games are held.
8. Climate of hosting city, weather during the event, surroundings and safety.
9. Relevant regulations governing title of national team, flag, anthem and agenda.
10. Other items specified by the central competent authority.
Subsidies of the aforementioned Paragraph 1 include accommodation expenses, domestic transportation, insurance fee, printing expenses, venue rent; subsidy amount may not exceed 80%of the total budget of the competition granted by the central competent authority.

Article 10
Sports associations that host conferences stipulated in Subparagraph 6, Paragraph 1, Article 3 may apply to central competent authority for subsidies by submitting documentary proof and information
Subsidies stipulated in the aforementioned Paragraph 1 include accommodation expenses, domestic transportation, insurance fees, printing expenses, venue rent; subsidy may not exceed 80% of the total budget of the conference granted by the central competent authority. 

Article 11
Sports associations attending conferences stipulated in Subparagraph 6, Paragraph 1, Article 3 may apply to the central competent authority for subsidies, submitting documentary proof and information.
Subsidies stipulated in the aforementioned Paragraph 1 include accommodation fees, foreign travel expenses, insurance fees and travel certificate fees.

Article 12
Sports associations that invite foreigners stipulated in Subparagraph 7, Paragraph 1, Article 3 to visit the ROC may apply to the central competent authority for subsidies, submitting documentary proof and information.
Subsidies stipulated in the aforementioned Paragraph 1 include accommodation fees and domestic and foreign travel expenses.

Article 13
Sports teams of all levels which have achieved the benchmark of attending competitions announced by the central competent authority may apply to the central competent authority for subsidies for attending competitions stipulated in Subparagraph 8, Paragraph 1, Article 3, through the competent authority for schools, submitting documentary proof and information.
Subsidies for foreign travel stipulated in the aforementioned Paragraph 1 are fixed according to the distance of the location of the competition. 

Article 14
International sports exchange activities promoted in line with national sports policies stipulated in Subparagraph 9, Paragraph 1, Article 3 and other sports exchange activities stipulated in Subparagraph 10 may apply to central competent authority for subsidies ad hoc through sport associations, governments of special municipalities and counties (cities), school at all levels, and other entities and organizations.

Article 15
International sports exchange activities that have been fully subsidized by other authorities shall not apply for subsidies in accordance with the Regulations.

Article 16
Matters concerning request for allocation of and verification of the subsidies provided under the Regulations shall be executed in accordance with the regulations governing subsidies for sports associations and relevant laws.

Article 17
Recipients of subsidizes under the Regulations shall execute each approved plan; should there be any need for change of the plan, it shall be executed only after changes have been approved by the central competent authority, submitting the reasons in writing and revised plan to the central competent authority.
For execution or plan revision not in accordance with the aforementioned Paragraph 1, the central competent authority may suspend subsidies and pursue return of all or part of the subsidies which have already been granted.

Article 18
The Regulations take effect from the date of promulgation.
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System