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Title: Implementation Regulations Governing Junior College Evaluation Ch
Date: 2009.09.28
Legislative: 1.Promulgated at Edu No.:093013712A on Oct. 8,2004
2.Amended at Edu No.: 098016588C on Sept. 28, 2009

Article 1. These Regulations are enacted in accordance with Article 6 of the Junior College Law and Clause 6, Article 57 of the Private School Law.


Article 2. The Regulations are established to complete a fair evaluation system for junior colleges, and the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the MOE) shall work out the following evaluation criteria:

a. Studying the present evaluation system of Taiwan.

b. Collecting and analyzing relevant information of foreign evaluation systems.

c. Establishing an evaluator pool and a data base of junior colleges.

d. Providing training courses for related personnel and evaluators.

e. Other related evaluation system.

If necessary, the planning of the above items of evaluation can be carried out by the Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as theHEEACT) which is founded by the MOE and the universities and colleges in Taiwan. A implementation project has to be planned by the HEEACT and approved by the MOE.


Article 3. The evaluation categories and contents are described as follows:

a. General Evaluation: school development and performance in the areas of:

(1)  Administration: including academic affairs, student affairs, general affairs, library, information, personnel, and accounting.

(2)  Porfessional Departments: with regard to the educational philosophy and goals,

 faculty, curriculum, teaching, equipment, administration ,and performance etc. of each department

b. Project Evaluation: focused on specific items from the general evaluation or those assigned by the MOE.

c. Follow-up Evaluation: the schools and departments ranked below the 3rd level as regulated in Article 7, have to be re-evaluated under the same category and content within two years after the announcement.

The General Evaluation has to be conducted once every four to seven years; the Project Evaluation and Follow-up Evaluation have to be conducted when they are deemed to be necessary.


Article 4. The MOE shall form an evaluation team or authorize an academic body or a professional evaluation institution to conduct the evaluation regularly.

        The authorized organization must meet the following requirements:

a. An approved / registered / licensed naitonal academic body or approved / registered / licensed national organization or professional institution with established targets related to junior colleges.

b. Having a professional and objective evaluation planning which incorporates sufficient experts/scholars in the evaluation field, a complete system for selecting and training members of the evaluation commission, adequate administrative staff (full time or part time), organizational structure, and accounting system.


Article 5. The MOE or the authorized body shall carry out the evaluation based on the following principles and procedures:

a. Form an evaluation team in order to coordinate the related matters.

b. The school shall be notified one year prior to conducting each evaluation, with the exception of the Project Evaluation.

c. An evaluation implementation shall be made and announced six months prior to conducting each evaluation, with the exception of the Project Evaluation.

d. The implementation content should include: the evaluated items, criteria (guidelines), procedures, results, revision petition, appeal processes and commissioner’s qualification, seminar, ethical codes, conflict of interest policy, and other relevant matters. It shall be submitted to the evaluation team as well as the MOE for approval. Once approved by the evaluation team or authorized by an academic body or a professional institution, an announcement shall be made.

e. Hold a meeting to explain to the evaluated school how the evaluation implementation will be conducted.

f. Form an execution team which shall operate under the supervision of the evaluation team for conducting the evaluations.

g. An initial draft report shall be submitted to the evaluated school within four months after the evaluation is done.

h. Schools that disagree with the initial draft report may petition for revision within two weeks after receiving the report. The MOE or the authorized body does reserve the right to determine the validity of the petition. If the petition is revoked, a final report has to be completed based on the initial draft.

i. The final report has to be made public and sent to the evaluated school.

j. Schools that disagree with the final report may file an appeal to the MOE or the authorized body within one month after the result is published. A revision or re-evaluation may take place if the appeal is deemed valid. The final evaluation result shall be made public accordingly.

k. A fair and objective procedure has to be designed in order to handle petitions for revision or appeal.

l. Depending on the evaluation categories and the purposes they served, the measuring mechanisms shall be made for handling the evaluation result; a routine follow-up shall also be conducted.

m. Commissioners and the personnel involved in the evaluation process shall keep all received information confidential.


Article 6. The MOE reserves the right to assess all aspects of the evaluations (including planning, design, implementation, and report) proposed by colleges/universities, academic bodies or professional institutions; the evaluation results will be referred to as a basis for assessment.


Article 7. Junior colleges will fall under one of the four criteria according to their scores:

First criterion: 80 and up

Second criterion: 70 - 79

Third criterion: 60 - 69

Fourth criterion: below 60

Scores will be given by the evaluation team after discussion; for the new faculties / departments / divisions (establishment less than two years) only improvements will be suggested.


Article 8. The evaluated schools have to make up for the shortcomings indicated in the report as part of their development plans according to the timeline set forth in the improvements. Failures have to be explained and progress shall be assessed in the Follow-up Evaluation.

The report serves as a reference for the MOE to base its decision on the allocation of resources pertaining to school reform, adjustment for development, tuition and sundry, bonuses, and subsidies.

The adjustment for development means the establishment or reform of faculties / departments / divisions / classes / admission and enrollment / admission requirements and quota.


Article 9. Junior colleges with 'outstanding' performance are those that have been ranked in the first criterion in the categories of Administration and Professionalism in the most recent General Evaluation.


Article 10. In addition to receiving the prescribed incentives and rewards, private junior colleges with 'outstanding' performance are allowed to implement the following measures and policies without the restriction of regulations set by the MOE, once their submitted documentations have been approved by the MOE.



Scope of Regulation Immunity

Establishing additional faculties/departments/divisions

The establishment of the additional faculties/departments/divisions does not require approval of the MOE; however, new faculties involving medical studies or changes to personnel training quota control, need to be approved by the MOE.

Admission quota (per faculty/department/

division/class) and enrollment method

1. Total admission quota can be increased by no more than 50 students per academic year.

2. Admission quota for two-year daytime / nighttime programs can be adjusted within the total quota allowed.

3. Recommendation quota may exceed admission quota by 40% for two-year programs, or 70% for five-year programs.

Age requirement for presidents and instructors

1. The school may set its own age requirement for presidents and instructors. Instructors may also serve administrative positions. Presidents and instructors must not be over 75 years old.

2. New / renewal contract of over five years cannot be offered to instructors over 65 years of age.

3. A contract is considered fulfilled when an instructor or president reaches age 75.

fees for items, purposes, and amounts

Schools may implement independent fee schemes. The fee scheme adjustment range is allowed to be double the basic standard, and the adjustment is to be completed in four years. Schools must meet the conditions set forth in related regulations.


Article 11. In making assessments with respect to Article 10, the MOE shall specify the duration and scope of regulation immunity for the items submitted by the schools.

If necessary, an evaluation shall be conducted to assess the effectiveness of regulation immunity. The result of the evaluation serves as a reference to decide whether to alter or abolish the immunity.


Article 12. With respect to Article 10, regulation immunity shall be altered or abolished if one of the following conditions were found true:

a. Violation of regulations, with the exception of schools that have been granted regulation immunity.

b. Failure to comply with rules prescribed in Article 10.

c. Abuse of the immunity that affects student rights.

The MOE must take steps to investigate the issue(s) above. The investigation must be completed within two month after the MOE is notified the issue(s). An extension of no more than two months can be granted.


Article 13. When investigating the issues introduced in Article 12, the following status can be employeed:

a. Correspond with the school to request written explanations and related documentations.

b. Visit the school without notice. The school must not refuse or obstruct the visit.

c. Conduct interviews with students, parents, faculties or any other associated personnel. Interviews shall be documented and signed.

d. Request assistance from associated organizations.

e. Other appropriate matters.


Article 14. Under Clause 1, Article 12, students enrolled may continue to enjoy the benefits associated with the policies that are protected by regulation immunity until they graduate from school, even if the immunity has been altered or abolished by the MOE.


Article 15. When regulation immunity is altered or abolished under Clause 1, Article 12, the employment contract of presidents and instructors hired under Article 10 will be terminated the day after the end of the academic year; those who meet the requirements for retirement or severance may apply accordingly.


Article 16. These regulations become effective after announcement.


Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System