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Title: Regulations for Studying in Taiwan for Children of Outstanding Overseas Scientific and Technological Personnel Ch
Date: 2011.01.26
Legislative: 1. Promulgated on 28 June 2005 by Order No. Tai-San-0940083118C of the Ministry of Education
2. Article 7 amended and issued on 26 January 2011 by Order No. Tai-San-1000006004C of the Ministry of Education

Article 1


These regulations are formulated pursuant to Article 17-3 of the Basic Science and Technology Law.

Article 2


"Outstanding overseas scientific and technological personnel" referred to in these Regulations mean persons who are employed pursuant to the regulations of central government agencies or Academia Sinica to conduct research, give instruction, or provide other science and technology services and whose specialties and service scope are recognized by the Ministry of Education ("MOE"), National Science Council, and relevant agencies (hereinafter the "sci-tech personnel").

Article 3


The sci-tech personnel may apply, within three years during their employment in Taiwan, for their children who have stayed in Taiwan for less than one year to study at schools of all levels in Taiwan to continue their formal schooling.

Article 4


If the children of the sci-tech personnel who satisfy the qualifications specified in these Regulations also comply with the Regulations for Studying in Taiwan and Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students or the Regulations Governing Foreign Students Studying in Taiwan, they shall apply for admission by only one of these regulations.
When the sci-tech personnel apply for their children's admission to bilingual schools or bilingual departments of schools in science-based parks, the applications shall follow the Admission Regulations for Bilingual Departments of Senior High Schools and Below or Bilingual High Schools and Below in Science-Based Parks.

Article 5


To apply for their children's studying in Taiwan pursuant to these Regulations, the sci-tech personnel shall submit the following documents, which will be sent to the supervising central agencies or Academia Sinica for preliminary examination by the employment agencies (institutes), schools, or groups, and will then be delivered to the MOE for further review. The documents of students who have passed the MOE's review will be delivered to the administrative agencies of all levels in charge of education for further processing.
1. Admission application form (including a list of schools the student wishes to enroll in, first choice, and backups) in duplicate.
2. Certificate of health (including a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test).
3. Photocopies of the passports of the applicant and his/her children, proof showing arrival (in Taiwan) and departure dates issued by the competent authority.
4. Certificates of highest education record and the grade transcript (a copy of Chinese or English translation shall be submitted if in a language other than Chinese and English).
5. A photocopy of the letter of appointment or the letter of employment issued by the employment agency (institute), school, or group.
6. For those who apply for admission to private senior high schools and below, a letter of consent on enrollment issued by the school.
7. Other documents requested by the competent central authority or Academia Sinica.
For students who apply for studying at universities or two-year junior colleges, the MOE will send their applications to the schools in the order of the students' preference given on the lists they have submitted for entrance examination or screening; however, this does not apply to medical schools, dentistry schools, and Chinese medicine schools.
For students who apply for studying at five-year junior colleges, senior high schools, and below, the administrative agencies of all levels in charge of education will send the applications to the schools in the order of the students' preference given on the lists they have submitted for further processing.
For students who apply for studying at public kindergartens, the applications shall follow the Rules for Priority Admission to Public Kindergartens of municipalities or provinces (cities).
As for the certificate proving the highest education record specified in Item 4 of Paragraph 1, the certificate that is issued by a foreign school shall satisfy the Procedural Guidelines on Verification and Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications; the certificate that is issued by a P.R.C. school shall satisfy the Regulations Governing Examination and Adoption of Educational Qualifications of the P.R.C.

Article 6


The application for studying in Taiwan filed by the sci-tech personnel for their children is limited to once only. However, when the sci-tech personnel change their work location owing to new assignments by their employment agencies (institutes), schools, or groups, they may apply for school transfer for their children who have studied at a five-year junior college (only first- to third-year students), a senior high school, or a school of a lower level, or a kindergarten.
In filing transfer applications specified in the preceding paragraph, the sci-tech personnel shall provide the following documents, which will be delivered by the employment agencies (institutes), schools, or groups to the supervising competent central authorities or Academia Sinica for further comments.
 After comments are made on the applications, the applications will be sent to the administrative agencies of all levels in charge of education for further processing.
1. Document proving the approval of the student's admission to the original school.
2. Transcript of the school at which the applicant's children are currently studying.
3. Certificate proving the applicant's change of work location.

Article 7


If the children of the sci-tech personnel wish to continue their studies in Taiwan after they have completed the courses at schools pursuant to these Regulations, the admission method is identical to that for domestic general students. If they wish to take entrance examinations for senior high schools and above, the following rules shall apply. However, they will not receive special privileges in the entrance examinations for doctoral programs, master’s programs, post-undergraduate schools, medical schools, dentistry schools, and Chinese medicine schools.

1. Qualifications for taking the entrance examination for senior high schools or five-year junior colleges.

(1). Students who have studied in Taiwan for less than one semester.

a. For students who participate in the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 25%.

b. For students who choose an admission method other than the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test, or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, or the Second-Level Nonacademic Test, plus 25%.

c. For students who choose an admission method other than exam-free admission for a five-year junior college, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 25%, or other privileges may be given as resolved by the district recruitment committees.

(2) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over one semester but less than one school year.

a. For students who participate in the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 20%.

b. For students who choose an admission method other than the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test, or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, or the Second-Level Nonacademic Test, plus 20%.

c. For students who choose an admission method other than exam-free admission for a five-year junior college, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 20%, or other privileges may be given as resolved by the district recruitment committees.

(3) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over one school year but less than two school years.

a. For students who participate in the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 15%.

b. For students who choose an admission method other than the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test, or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, or the Second-Level Nonacademic Test, plus 15%.

c. For students who choose an admission method other than exam-free admission for a five-year junior college, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 15%, or other privileges may be given as resolved by the district recruitment committees.

(4) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over two school years but less than three school years.

a. For students who participate in the senior high school registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 10%.

b. For students who choose an admission method other than the registration and placement program, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test, or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, and the Second-Level Nonacademic Test plus 10%.

c. For students who choose an admission method other than exam-free admission for a five-year junior college, their scores will be the score on the Junior High Basic Achievement Test or an admission test held by an administrative agency in charge of education at the special municipality or county (or county-level city) level as approved on a special-case basis by the MOE, plus 10%, or other privileges may be given as resolved by the district recruitment committees.

2. Qualifications for taking the entrance examination for four-year technological colleges, two-year technological colleges, or two-year junior colleges.

(1). Students who have studied in Taiwan for less than one semester.

a. For students who participate in the registration and placement program, their scores will be their total score plus 25%.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the registration and placement program, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

(2) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over one semester but less than one school year.

a. For students who participate in the registration and placement program, their scores will be their total score plus 20%.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the registration and placement program, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

(3) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over one school year but less than two school years.

a. For students who participate in the registration and placement program, their scores will be their total score plus 15%.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the registration and placement program, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

(4) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over two school years but less than three school years.

a. For students who participate in the registration and placement program, their scores will be their total score plus 10%.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the registration and placement program, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

3. Qualifications for taking the entrance examination for universities.

(1). Students who have studied in Taiwan for less than one semester.

a. For students who participate in the examination and placement program for universities, their scores will be their score on the counted test subjects plus 25% of their unweighted total score.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the examination and placement program for universities, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

(2) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over one semester but less than one school year.

a. For students who participate in the examination and placement program for universities, their scores will be their score on the counted test subjects plus 20% of their unweighted total score.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the examination and placement program for universities, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

(3) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over one school year but less than two school years.

a. For students who participate in the examination and placement program for universities, their scores will be their score on the counted test subjects plus 15% of their unweighted total score.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the examination and placement program for universities, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

(4) Students who have studied in Taiwan for over two school years but less than three school years.

a. For students who participate in the examination and placement program, their scores will be their score on the counted test subjects plus 10% of their unweighted total score.

b. For students who choose admission methods other than the examination and placement program for universities, schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

For students studying in Taiwan who apply for exam-free admission to a senior high school or five-year junior college under these Regulations, admission privileges shall be determined as follows:

1. For students recommended by junior high schools for admission: the junior high schools may decide the privileges to be given to the students.

2. For students applying for admission: privileges may be given as resolved by the district recruitment committees.

Student admissions as set forth in the preceding two paragraphs are additional admissions and are not included in the admission quota for each school (department or section) that is originally approved by the administrative agencies of all levels in charge of education; however, the total number of students additionally recruited is limited to 2 percent of the originally approved admission quota.

The extra-score privileges set forth in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 do not apply to the children of outstanding P.R.C. sci-tech personnel.

Article 8


Schools of all levels shall help students who enroll in the schools pursuant to these Regulations adapt to the new environment and focus on their schoolwork.

Article 9


Any applications or forms specified in these Regulations will be prescribed by the MOE.

Article 10


These Regulations will come into force as of the date of promulgation.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System