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Title: Accreditation Regulations Regarding Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education Ch
Date: 2009.01.04
Legislative: 1. Fourteen articles promulgated by Ministry of Education order (80) Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 38100 on July 22, 1991.
2. Renamed (originally named: Regulations Governing the Examination of University, Independent College and Junior College Teachers) and revisions to all 16 articles promulgated by Ministry of Education order (86) Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 86048477 on May 21, 1997.
3. Revisions to Articles 4, 5, and 12 promulgated by Ministry of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0930030710A on March 10, 2004.
4. Revisions to all 42 articles promulgated by Ministry of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0950157954C on November 6, 2006; implemented from the date of announcement.
5. Revisions to Attached Table 3 "Foreign Degree or Diploma Recognition Principles" in Article 20 promulgated by Ministry of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0960133976C on September 17, 2007.
6. Revisions to Article 18 promulgated by Ministry of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0970073401C on May 21, 2008.
7. Revisions to Articles 11, 12, 15, 18-22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37 and attached tables 1-4 promulgated by Ministry of Education order Tai-Tsan-Tzu No. 0970262456C on January 14, 2009.
Content: Article 1 
These Regulations are determined pursuant to Article 14, Paragraph 4 of the Statute Governing the Appointment of Educators (herein referred to as this Statute) and Article 10 of the Teachers Act. 
Article 2
Those persons who apply for lecturer qualifications review pursuant to Article 16 of this Statute shall fill out a teacher qualifications review curriculum vitae, and shall provide the following documents: 
1. Submission made pursuant to Article 16, Subparagraph 1 of this Statute: Master's degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment and proof of grades. 
2. Submission made pursuant to Article 16, Subparagraph 2 or 3 of this Statute: Graduation certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
Article 3 
Those persons who apply for lecturer qualifications review pursuant to Article 30-1 of this Statute, shall fill out a teacher qualifications review curriculum vitae, and shall provide the following documents: 
1. Submission made pursuant to Article 16, Subparagraph 1 of this Statute prior to implementation of the March 21, 1997 revision of this Statute: Master's degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, teaching assistant certificate, and proof of length of relevant service and grades. 
2. Submission made pursuant to Article 16, Subparagraph 2 of this Statute prior to implementation of the March 21, 1997 revision of this Statute: Graduation certificate, teaching assistant certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
Article 4 
Those persons who apply for assistant professor qualifications review pursuant to Article 16-1 of this Statute, shall fill out a teacher qualifications review
curriculum vitae, and shall provide the following documents: 
1. Submission made pursuant to Article 16-1, Subparagraph 1 of this Statute: Ph.D. Degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, proof of grades, and professional written work. 
2. Submission made pursuant to Article 16-1, Subparagraph 2 of this Statute: Master's degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
3. Submission made pursuant to Article 16-1, Subparagraph 3 of this Statute: Graduation certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
4. Submission made pursuant to Article 16-1, Subparagraph 4 of this Statute: lecturer certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
Article 5 
Those persons who apply for associate professor qualifications review pursuant to Article 17 of this Statute shall fill out a teacher qualifications review curriculum vitae, and shall provide the following documents: 
1. Submission made pursuant to Article 17, Subparagraph 1 of this Statute: Ph.D. Degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, proof of length of relevant service, and professional written work. 
2. Submission made pursuant to Article 17, Subparagraph 2 of this Statute: assistant professor certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
Article 6 
Those persons who apply for associate professor qualifications review pursuant to Article 30-1 of this Statute shall fill out a teacher qualifications review 
curriculum vitae, and shall provide the following documents: 
1. Submission made pursuant to Article 17, Subparagraph 1 of this Statute prior to implementation of the March 21, 1997 revision of this Statute: Ph.D. Degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, teaching assistant certificate or lecturer certificate, proof of length of relevant service, and professional written work.
2. Submission made pursuant to Article 17, Subparagraph 2 of this Statute prior to implementation of the March 21, 1997 revision of this Statute: Master's degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, proof of length of relevant service, and professional written work. 
3. Submission made pursuant to Article 17, Subparagraph 2 of this Statute prior to implementation of the March 21, 1997 revision of this Statute: Lecturer certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and professional written work. 
Article 7 
Those persons who apply for professor qualifications review pursuant to Article 18 of this Statute shall fill out a teacher qualifications review curriculum vitae, and shall provide the following documents: 
1. Submission made pursuant to Article 18, Subparagraph 1 of this Statute: Ph.D. Degree or certification of equivalent academic attainment, proof of length of relevant service, and proof of the major academic contribution of creation or invention or important professional written work. 
2. Submission made pursuant to Article 18, Subparagraph 2 of this Statute: Associate professor certificate, proof of length of relevant service and grades, and important professional written work. 
Article 8 
In-service personnel who had received a teaching assistant certificate or lecturer certificate from the Ministry of Education (herein referred to as the MOE) prior to implementation of the March 21, 1997 revision of this Statute, and who have continued to teach without interruption, may apply for review of a higher level of teacher qualifications as prescribed in the original promotion regulations before the revision took effect. However, review procedures must still be implemented in accordance with these Regulations. 
Article 9 
In the foregoing article, the requirement that applicants must have continued to teach without interruption means that an applicant must comply with one of the following regulations: 
1. Full-time teachers: Must actually teach during each term. However, the case shall not be subject to this restriction when the applicant has not actually taught due to an approved sabbatical leave or leave without pay. 
2. Part-time teachers: Must continuously have an employment contract during each term, must actually teach at least one full credit hour each term, and must perform at least 18 hours of classroom teaching. 
3. Part-time teachers at national or special municipality open universities, open colleges attached to open universities, open schools of continuing education, or open college schools of continuing education: Must actually teach at least two full credit hours each term. 
4. Full-time teaching assistants: Must have an employment contract during each academic year, and must assist teaching and research. 
Article 10 
The length of service of persons in Articles 16-18 of this Statute engaging in research work, specialized professions or duties, or teaching shall be calculated using the following method: 
1. Length of service performing research work or specialized professions or duties shall be calculated on the basis of the beginning and ending dates on formal proof of employment issued by the employing institution or organization. 
2. Length of service teaching at a certain level shall be calculated on the basis of the starting date on the applicant's teacher certificate at that level. However, if the starting date on the teacher's proof of grade is later than the date on that person's teacher certificate, length of service shall be calculated on the basis of the starting date on the teacher's proof of grade. 
3. If a full-time teacher had engaged in approved full-time continuing education or research, the length of time spent engaging in full-time continuing education or research may account for a maximum of one year when applying for promotion. If a teacher receives approval for a temporary transfer, but who is still responsible for on-campus teaching at the original school during the transfer period, the length of the transfer period may account for a maximum of two years. 
4. The reviewing school and MOE may, in accordance with these Regulations, include the applicant's time spent as a full-time teacher at foreign school within the applicant's length of service, but only if the foreign school is on the MOE's foreign university reference list (herein referred to as the reference list). If a school is not on the reference list, time teaching may be counted only after review and approval by the MOE. 
With regard to time spent performing research work, or specialized professions or duties in the foregoing paragraph, the school may determine such time on the basis of the applicant's past experience in accordance with relevant regulations of this Statute's enforcement rules. 
Article 11 
The professional written work in Article 14, Paragraph 2 of this Statute shall comply with the following regulations: 
1. Must consist of the applicant's original writings, and may not be a compilation containing the adapted, edited, combined, or arranged works of others, or other non-academic work. 
2. May be a monograph published and publicly issued after the applicant received teacher qualifications at his or her previous level and within the most recent five years prior to submission, or an work published in a domestic or foreign academic or professional publication (including formal review procedures; may be published in or use an online journal), or a work that the foregoing publication has submitted proof that it will regularly publish, or a work presented at a domestic or foreign symposium with formal review procedures which was published in the collected symposium papers (including publication in CD/DVD form). However, if the applicant was pregnant or gave birth after receiving teacher qualifications at her previous level and within the most recent five years prior to submission, the applicant may request to submit a work published after the applicant received teacher qualifications at her previous level and within the most recent seven years prior to submission. 
3. Works written in a foreign language should be accompanied by a Chinese abstract. If reviewer candidates in the relevant field who are familiar with the foreign language in question cannot be located in Taiwan, the MOE may require that the entire work be translated into Chinese or English. 
4. When two or more works are submitted, the applicant shall select a representative work and reference work(s). If a work consists of a series of relevant studies, the studies may be combined as a representative work. A representative work may not be a previously-submitted representative work. 
If the name or content of the representative work in the fourth subparagraph of the foregoing paragraph is changed, the case shall be handled as prescribed in Article 14. 
Article 12 
The representative work in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of the foregoing article shall comply with the following regulations: 
1. Must be connected with the subject taught by the applicant. 
2. May not be part of a degree thesis. However, if the applicant never submitted the degree thesis for review, or has pursued research constituting an extension of the degree thesis, the applicant has actively submitted an explanatory statement, and professional review has determined that the representative work possesses considerable innovation, the case shall not be subject to this restriction. 
If a representative work fails to comply with any one of the requirements of the foregoing paragraph, the applicant will not pass teacher qualifications review. 
Article 13 
If the representative work in Article 11, Subparagraph 4 was completed collaboratively by several persons, it may be submitted by only one person. At the time of submission, the collaborators other than the applicant must give up their right to submit the work as a representative work. The applicant should provide a written statement specifically explaining his or her participation, and this statement should be signed by other collaborators as verification. However, the case shall not be subject to this restriction if any the following circumstances apply: 
1. If the applicant is a fellow of the Academia Sinica, the verifying signatures of collaborators are not required. 
2. If applicant is the first author or the corresponding author, the verifying signatures of foreign collaborators are not required. 
Article 14 
If the content of the current submitted representative work is similar to that of a previously-submitted representative work, the applicant must attach a list of differences between the current and previous representative works. 
Article 15 
In Article 11 Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2, when an applicant submits proof that a domestic or foreign academic or professional publication has agreed to regularly publish the representative work, the work must be published within one year from the date of the proof provided by publication; the work should be submitted to the school for checking and filing within two month after the date of publication. If the representative work is not published within one year for reasons not attributable to the applicant, the applicant should apply to the school's teacher review board for an extension after providing the reason the publication has failed to publish the work and submitting proof of the publication date. The work must be published no later than two years after the date of acceptance for publication. When an extension application is approved, the case should be reported to MOE for subsequent reference before the end of the one-year extension deadline.
The work in the foregoing paragraph may not be submitted on a subsequent occasion after it has been reviewed. 
The school should reject the application and notify the MOE if a representative work has been handed over for publication, but has not been published by the deadline prescribed in Paragraph 1. If the applicant's teacher qualifications are still being reviewed by the MOE, the application will be rejected. If the applicant's teacher qualifications have passed review, and the applicant has been issued a teacher certificate, the MOE will revoke the applicant's teacher qualifications, and will annul or request the return of the applicant's teacher certificate for the new level. 
Article 16 
When a submission is made pursuant to Article 4, Subparagraph 1 or Article 6, Subparagraph 1, a degree thesis, creative work, performance/exhibition, written report, or technical report (herein referred to as degree thesis) may be submitted instead of a professional written work. 
Article 17 
To provide further reference information for review, the applicant may state all individual professional or academic results obtained from receiving his or her previous teacher qualifications until this promotion application on his or her teacher qualifications review curriculum vitae. 
Article 18 
When, pursuant to Statute Article 14, Subparagraph 3 of this Statute, an applicant submits a work, proof of achievement, or technical report instead of a professional written work, the following conditions apply: 
1. An art teacher may submit works and proof of achievement for review of teacher qualifications; the scope of such works or achievements may encompass fine art, music, dance, folk art, drama, film, and design. 
2. An applied technology teacher who has achieved concrete results in the form of a practical or theoretical innovation, improvement, or extended application in a specific area of technology may submit a technical report; the scope of review may include the following: 
 (1) Patents or innovative results. 
 (2) An analytical research report on specialized technology or management cases providing wide-ranging, unique insights and contributions. 
 (3) R&D results making a special contribution to practical improvements in industrial/academic collaborative efforts. 
3. If a physical education teacher, or an athlete trained by the teacher, places at a major international athletic competition, the teacher may submit this result as proof of achievement. The major international athletic competition and proof of achievement in the foregoing paragraph shall be as defined in guidelines determined and announced by the MOE. 
The review guidelines in the first subparagraph of the foregoing paragraph are shown in Attached Table 1; the review guidelines in the second subparagraph are shown in Attached Table 2; the review guidelines in the third subparagraph are shown in Attached Table 3. 
Article 19 
When an applicant holds a foreign degree or diploma, the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education shall govern entrance qualifications, school of graduation, course of study, study period, and circumstances under which a degree or diploma is not recognized. However, if an applicant's period of study exceeds two-thirds of the periods specified in Article 9, Paragraph 1 or 3 in the foregoing Regulations, and the applicant's degree thesis, written work, or work of art passes the school's preliminary review and the MOE's second evaluation, the case shall not be subject to this restriction. 
Article 20 
When an applicant holds a foreign degree or diploma, the school shall verify the degree or diploma in accordance with the foregoing Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials when the case is evaluated by the teacher review board or reviewed by a subject panel. However, if the name of the foreign degree and relevant academic standards have been approved and announced by the MOE, only inspection will be necessary, rather than verification. 
When a foreign school's academic system, or degree and diploma names and attributes, differ from those in Taiwan, apart from applying the regulations in the foregoing article, recognition principles are as shown in Attached Table 4. 
If a school doubts the recognition of a foreign degree or diploma, it may forward the case to the MOE for review and judgment. When necessary, the MOE may predicate recognition on a review of the applicant's professional written works (including degree thesis). 
Article 21 
When the holder of a provisional degree certificate formally issued by the school where the applicant studied submits an application, after the school has verified the degree, it may submit an application based on the recognition time recorded on the certificate. However, after receiving a formal degree certificate, the applicant must present the certificate to the school for checking, copying, and filing within one month. If the graduation date recorded on the degree certificate and that on the provisional degree certificate are inconsistent, recognition shall be performed on the basis of the date on the degree certificate. 
If submission is not performed in accordance with regulations, the school must reject the application and notify the MOE. If the applicant's teacher qualifications are still being reviewed by the MOE, the application will be rejected. If the applicant's teacher qualifications have passed review, and the applicant has been issued a teacher certificate, the MOE will revoke the applicant's teacher qualifications, and will annul or request the return of the applicant's teacher certificate for the new level. 
Article 22 
A teacher meeting the following conditions may apply for review of qualifications: 
1. A teacher employed by a school and actually teaching. However, after approval to establish a school has been granted, a teacher who has been hired by the school and has actually reported to work may submit an early application before the first academic year students have arrived. 
2. A part-time teacher who has an employment contract, actually teaches at least one full credit hour each term, and performs at least 18 hours of classroom teaching. A part-time teacher at national or special municipality open universities, open colleges attached to open universities, open schools of continuing education, or open college schools of continuing education who actually teaches at least two full credit hours each term. 
3. A teacher who has taken an approved sabbatical leave or leave without pay, but who is still responsible for on-campus teaching, and meets the teaching hours requirements of the foregoing subparagraph. 
The application in the foregoing paragraph should be made through the school at which the teacher is a full-time employee. If a teacher has on temporary transfer to another school for at least three years, after passing review by the school-level teacher review board, the teacher may apply through the school to which he or she has been temporarily transferred. A teacher who is not a full-time employee of any school may perform application through a school at which he or she is a part-time employee. 
A teacher who is engaged full-time in continuing education or research in Taiwan or abroad, or who has gone overseas to lecture, and is not actually a teacher at a school during the current term, may not submit an application. 
Article 23 
With regard to review of teacher qualifications, the school shall perform preliminary review and the MOE shall perform a second evaluation. 
Article 24 
Preliminary review procedures shall comply with school's relevant regulations, and shall seek to assess an applicant's teaching, research, service, and guidance performance; the applicant's professional written works (including degree thesis) shall be sent to scholars and experts outside the school (or outside college, graduate institute, or department) assessment. After approval by the school's teacher review board, the application should be forwarded to the MOE for second evaluation. 
Article 25 
The MOE's second evaluation is performed in accordance with the following regulations: 
1. When an applicant submits a degree or diploma for review, the applicant's academic and work credentials shall be handled in accordance with this Statute, these Regulations, and other relevant regulations. If the recognition of the degree is doubtful or review by the school not successfully completed, the MOE shall review the case and make a judgment. When necessary, the MOE may review the applicant's professional written works (including degree thesis). 
2. When an applicant submits professional written work, after classifying the academic field of the works, the MOE shall engage a consultant in that field to recommend scholars and experts for review work. 
3. When an applicant submits works, proof of achievement, or technical reports, after classifying the relevant academic field, the MOE shall engage a consultant with practical experience in that field to recommend experienced teachers or working experts with teaching qualifications for review work. 
Article 26 
When the MOE performs a second evaluation, the MOE shall determine assessment items and standards for professional written works (including degree thesis), works of art, proof of achievement, and technical reports. 
Article 27 
When professional written works, proof of physical education achievement, or technical reports are submitted, the MOE shall send the materials simultaneously to three scholars and experts for assessment. When works of art or proof of art achievement are submitted, the MOE shall send the materials simultaneously to four scholars and experts for assessment. The reviewers must be fully qualified. 
Article 28 
When the MOE performs a second evaluation, the applicant's professional written works, works of art, proof of achievement, or technical reports pass if they receive review scores of 70 points or above, and fail if they have scores of less than 70 points. 
When applicants teaching at schools are assessed on the basis of their teaching, service, and guidance performance, the 70-point passing threshold for the review in the foregoing paragraph and the teaching, service, and guidance performance and ratios reported by the school shall be used to calculate the applicant's minimum passing score. However, if, after calculation, the applicant's minimum passing score is less than 65 points, 65 points shall be taken as the minimum passing score. 
The method of calculating a minimum passing score in the foregoing paragraph shall be based on a perfect score of 100 points; as determined in the school regulations, school teaching, service, and guidance performance shall account for 20%-30% of overall performance. 
Article 29 
When the MOE performs a second evaluation, and professional written works, proof of  physical education achievement, or technical report have been submitted, the applicant shall be approved if two reviewers give passing scores. If works of art or art proof of achievement has been submitted, the applicant shall be approved if three reviewers give passing scores. 
When the review results for submitted works, works of art, proof of achievement, or technical report, or recognition following review, are in doubt, the MOE shall additionally send the materials to one to three scholars and experts for review, and the MOE shall judge the case on the basis of the original and new review opinions. 
Article 30 
When the MOE handles a teacher qualifications review case, the review should be completed within four months from the date the MOE receives the application, but there may be a delay due to winter or summer vacation. However, if a case is especially complex, plagiarism is suspected, or difficulties are encountered, the review period may be extended, in which case the applicant shall be notified. 
When the MOE performs a second evaluation, if there is a need for additional documents or explanations, the school must provide the required documents or explanations within four months after the date of notification by the MOE. If the required documents or explanations are not provided by the deadline, or fail to comply with the requirements of Article 11, the case shall not be accepted, and the original materials shall be returned. However, if there are special circumstances and the MOE has approved an extension application, the case shall not be subject to this restriction. 
An applicant may not make another application for review of the same level of teacher qualifications while the MOE has not yet completed second evaluation procedures. 
Article 31 
After completing review procedures, the MOE shall communicate the review results to the school in a letter. The school shall notify the applicant in writing within 14 days after receiving the review results. 
Article 32 
After completing second evaluation, the MOE shall select an appropriate location at which to disclose and preserve the applicant teacher's representative work, degree thesis, works of art, or technical reports. However, technical reports that must be kept confidential shall not be disclosed. 
Article 33 
To maintain the fairness of assessment, the process of review by the school and MOE and reviewers' assessment opinions shall be kept confidential, except when such information must be provided to agencies accepting teachers' appeals and other remedial agencies in accordance with regulations. 
If the applicant or other person acting on the applicant's behalf asks, lobbies, tempts with enticements, threatens, or otherwise interferes with reviewers or review procedures, and the circumstances are severe, the qualifications review procedures will be stopped immediately, and the applicant notified; no teacher qualifications review applications will be accepted from that applicant for two years from the date of notification. 
Article 34 
When an application is made for teacher qualifications review pursuant to Article 19 of this Statute, after the case passes preliminary review by the school and the MOE has been notified to perform second evaluation, the applicant's professional written work shall be sent to scholars and experts for review in accordance with these Regulations. If the case passes review, the MOE shall approve the applicant's teacher qualifications and proof of special academic contributions. 
Article 35 
After an applicant's teacher qualifications have been approved, the MOE shall issue the applicant a teacher certificate for the level sought. 
The MOE shall determine the format of the teacher certificate. 
Article 36 
The date stated on the teacher certificate for use in calculating length of service shall be determined using the following methods: 
1. Within three months of their time of hiring, newly-hired teachers must notify the MOE to perform second evaluation. After a teacher has passed second evaluation, the date shall be the starting date of the employment contract. 
2. Within three months of the beginning of the term, promoted teachers must notify the MOE to perform second evaluation. After a teacher has passed second evaluation, the date shall be the starting date of the term. 
3. If a teacher fails to notify the MOE to perform second evaluation before the deadlines prescribed in the two foregoing subparagraphs, after the teacher passes second evaluation, the date shall be the date on which the school actually notified the MOE to perform second evaluation. However, if there are special circumstances or if, in the case of newly-hired teachers, verification of foreign degree or diploma is not completed in accordance with Articles 20 and 21 within three months after being hiring, the starting date may be determined as in the two foregoing subparagraphs after the school asks the MOE for an extension and the case is approved. 
Article 37 
If, when accepting a teacher qualifications review case, the MOE discovers that an applicant has any of the following circumstances, and this fact is confirmed after review by the MOE, the applicant shall not pass qualifications review, and no further qualifications review applications shall be accepted from the applicant for the periods stated in each subparagraph; schools shall also be notified of the circumstances: 
1. The teacher qualifications review curriculum vitae or collaborator verification intentionally includes false information: One to three years. 
2. A severe violation of academic ethics: Three to five years. 
3. A work, work of art, performance/exhibition, or technical report contains plagiarism, pirated material, or other fraudulent information: Five to seven years. 
4. The applicant's academic or work credentials, proof of achievement, proof that a professional written work has been accepted by a publication for regular publication, or collaborator verification is forged or has been altered: Seven to ten years. 
The MOE shall determine verification procedures for the matters in the various subparagraphs of the foregoing paragraph. 
If, after review of teacher qualifications, an applicant has been found to have any of the circumstances in the various subparagraphs of Paragraph 1, and the facts have been reviewed and confirmed, the case shall be handled in accordance with the following methods: 
1. When an applicant had originally passed review and been issued a teacher certificate, the teacher qualifications for that level shall be revoked and the person asked to return the teacher certificate. In addition, no further teacher qualifications review applications shall be accepted from the applicant during the period prescribed in Paragraph 1. 
2. When an applicant had originally failed review, no further teacher qualifications review applications shall be accepted from the applicant during the period prescribed in Paragraph 1. 
If, before notifying the MOE to perform second evaluation, of after the applicant's teacher qualifications have been reviewed by the MOE, a school discovers that an applicant has any of the circumstances in the various subparagraphs of Paragraph 1, the school shall report its state of verification and handling recommendations to the MOE for review. 
When the MOE authorizes a school to review teacher qualifications on its own pursuant to Article 39, if the school discovers during the application process or after the applicant's teacher qualifications have been reviewed that an applicant has any of the circumstances in Paragraph 1, it shall handle the situation as prescribed in Paragraphs 1 to 3, and shall report its review procedures and handling results to the MOE for future reference. 
Article 38 
If the MOE does not accept an application as a penalty in accordance with the regulations of the foregoing article, it shall notify the school to handle the situation in accordance with relevant regulations of this Statute and the Teacher Act. 
Article 39 
The MOE may authorize a school to perform a second evaluation of teacher qualifications either in part or in whole; the MOE shall announce the standards, scope, operating regulations, and teacher certificate length of service calculation method used. 
In the foregoing paragraph, when a school has been authorized by the MOE to review teacher qualifications on its own, the school may, on its own initiative, determine review procedures and standards stricter than those in these Regulations. 
Article 40 
When teacher qualifications have passed second evaluation by a school authorized by the MOE to perform review, the applicant's reviewed professional written work, degree thesis, works of art, or technical reports shall be disclosed and preserved at the school library. However, technical reports that must be kept confidential shall not be disclosed. 
Article 41 
The MOE may regularly evaluate schools' performance in the implementation of teacher qualifications review work. 
When a school fails to perform reviews in accordance with relevant teacher qualifications review regulations, if the school still fails to make improvements after being asked to do so within a limited time period by the MOE, the situation will be noted in the school's evaluation or administrative assessment. 
After the MOE authorizes a school to perform reviews of teacher qualifications, if the circumstances in the foregoing paragraph occur, and the school still fails to make improvements after being asked to do so within a limited time period, the MOE may cease authorizing the school to review teacher qualifications, either in part or in whole, and shall announce its decision. 
Article 42 
These Regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation. 
Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System