

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
91. 2010.04.16 專科以上學校及其分校分部專科部高職部設立變更停辦辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment, Update, and Suspension of Institutions of Higher Education and Their Branches, Subsidiary Schools, Junior College Divisions, and Vocational High School Divisions
92. 2010.03.04 私立社會教育機構設立及獎勵辦法
Regulations Regarding the Establishment of and Special Recognition for Private Social Education Institutes
93. 2010.01.13 學校教職員退休條例
Statute Governing the Retirement of School Faculty and Staff
94. 2009.12.23 私立高級中等以下學校及其分校分部設立改制合併停辦辦法
Regulations Governing Establishment, Restructuring, Merger, and Discontinuation of Private Schools at Senior High School Level or Below and Branch Campuses and the Branch Departments thereof
95. 2009.11.25 教師法
Teachers’ Act
96. 2009.11.18 大學法
University Act
97. 2009.11.18 學校教職員退休條例
Statute Governing the Retirement of School Faculty and Staff
98. 2009.09.28 專科學校評鑑實施辦法
Implementation Regulations Governing Junior College Evaluation
99. 2009.07.08 學校法人及其所屬私立學校教職員退休撫卹離職資遣條例
Act governing the retirement, bereavement compensation, discharge with severance pay benefits for the teaching and other staff of school legal persons and their respective private school(s)
100. 2009.04.29 國立高級中等學校校務基金設置條例
The Act for the Establishment of the National Senior High School Fund