

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
11. 2022.05.11 私立高級中等以上學校退場條例
Act Governing the Closure of Private Educational Institutions at Senior Secondary or Higher Level
12. 2022.01.19 公立學校教職員退休資遣撫卹條例
Act Governing Retirement, Severance, and Bereavement Compensation for the Teaching and Other Staff Members of Public Schools
13. 2022.01.19 性別平等教育法
Gender Equity Education Act
14. 2021.05.26 高級中等教育法
Senior High School Education Act
15. 2021.02.25 原住民族教育法施行細則
The Enforcement Rules of the Education Act for Indigenous Peoples
16. 2021.01.27 幼兒教育及照顧法
Early Childhood Education and Care Act
17. 2021.01.22 外國學生來臺就學辦法
Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan
18. 2021.01.20 原住民族教育法
Education Act for Indigenous Peoples
19. 2020.07.14 大學法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of the University Act Article 17-1
20. 2020.05.14 私立學校法施行細則
Private School Act Enforcement Rules