

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
1. 2023.10.31 高級中等以下學校及其分校分部設立變更停辦辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment, Restructuring, Merger and Discontinuation of Schools and Branch Campuses and Branch Departments at the Senior High School Level or Below
2. 2023.09.18 外國學生來臺就學辦法
Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan
3. 2023.06.21 特殊教育法
The Special Education Act
4. 2023.06.21 國民教育法
Primary and Junior High School Act
5. 2022.12.29 外國學生來臺就學辦法
Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan
6. 2022.10.28 參加國際數理學科奧林匹亞競賽及國際科學展覽成績優良學生升學優待辦法
Amendments to the Regulations Governing Academic Advancement Preferential Admission for Students with Great Performance in International Mathematics or Science Olympiads and International Science Fairs
7. 2022.07.22 高級中等以下學校及其分校分部設立變更停辦辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment, Restructuring, Merger and Discontinuation of Schools and Branch Campuses and Branch Departments at the Senior High School Level or Below
8. 2022.01.25 入學大學同等學力認定標準
Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission
9. 2021.12.22 公立高級中等以下學校委託私人辦理實驗教育條例
Act Governing the Commissioning of the Operation of Public Schools at Senior High School Level or Below to the Private Sector for Experimental Education
10. 2021.05.26 高級中等教育法
Senior High School Education Act