

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
21. 2023.11.24 教育部設置學術獎辦法
Ministry of Education’s Regulations Governing the Establishment of the Academic Award
22. 2023.10.31 高級中等以下學校及其分校分部設立變更停辦辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment, Restructuring, Merger and Discontinuation of Schools and Branch Campuses and Branch Departments at the Senior High School Level or Below
23. 2023.10.20 教育部獎補助外國人士來臺短期研究要點
Directions Governing Ministry of Education Subsidies for Short Term Research Awards (STRA)
24. 2023.10.20 教育部獎補助外國人士來臺短期研究要點
Directions Governing Ministry of Education Subsidies for Short Term Research Awards (STRA)
25. 2023.10.05 僑生回國就學及輔導辦法
Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan
26. 2023.09.18 外國學生來臺就學辦法
Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan
27. 2023.08.17 教育部青年發展署補助地方政府打造地方創生區域性青聚點作業要點
Youth Development Administration of Ministry of Education Subsidy Directions for Regional Youth Hubs
28. 2023.08.16 性別平等教育法
Gender Equity Education Act
29. 2023.06.21 特殊教育法
The Special Education Act
30. 2023.06.21 國民教育法
Primary and Junior High School Act